
Terms for subject Microsoft containing соединений | all forms
безопасное соединениеsecured connection
внутреннее соединениеinner join (An operation that retrieves rows from multiple source tables by comparing the values from columns shared between the source tables. An inner join excludes rows from a source table that have no matching rows in the other source tables)
время ожидания соединенияcommunication timeout (Andy)
выделенное административное соединениеdedicated administrator connection (A dedicated connection that allows an administrator to connect to a server when the Database Engine will not respond to regular connections)
высокоскоростное соединение по силовым линиямbroadband over power lines (A type of high-speed Internet connection using existing electrical wiring. With BPL, you plug a modem directly into a power outlet. BPL connection speeds are comparable to those of other broadband technologies, such as digital subscriber line (DSL) or cable)
высокоскоростное соединение по силовым линиямBPL (A type of high-speed Internet connection using existing electrical wiring. With BPL, you plug a modem directly into a power outlet. BPL connection speeds are comparable to those of other broadband technologies, such as digital subscriber line (DSL) or cable)
диспетчер соединенийconnection manager
доверенное соединениеtrusted connection (Ding_an_sich)
доверительное соединениеtrusted connection (A Windows network connection that can be opened only by users who have been authenticated by the network)
закрывающее соединение действиеGoodbye Kiss (A protocol action that closes a connection; Goodbye Kiss)
закрыть соединениеclose connection (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
запрос TCP-соединенияTCP connect request (The first of three packets used to establish a TCP connection between two computers)
интервал подтверждения соединенияheartbeat interval (The amount of time that can elapse before the Exchange server asks a mobile device running Exchange ActiveSync to connect again)
инфракрасное сетевое соединениеinfrared network connection (A direct or incoming network connection to a remote access server using an infrared port)
инфракрасное соединениеinfrared connection (A way to wirelessly connect computers and devices, using infrared light to send information)
каскадная схема соединения концентраторовcascading hubs (A network configuration in which hubs are connected to other hubs)
левое внешнее соединениеleft outer join (A type of outer join in which all rows from the left-most table in the JOIN clause are included. When rows in the left table are not matched by rows in the right table, all result set columns that come from the right table are assigned a value of NULL)
максимальное число одновременных соединенийvalue of maximum concurrent connections (ssn)
максимальное число одновременных соединенийmaximum concurrent connections (ssn)
не удалось установить соединениеConnection unsuccessful (Andy)
небезопасное соединениеnon-secure connection (Andy)
объект соединенияconnection object
оператор соединенияjoin operator (A comparison operator in a join condition that determines how the two sides of the condition are evaluated and which rows are returned)
параметры соединения с удалённым серверомremote server connection options (SQL platon)
передача файлов по инфракрасному соединениюinfrared file transfer (Wireless file transfer between a computer and another computer or device using infrared light)
полное внешнее соединениеfull outer join (A type of outer join in which all rows in all joined tables are included, whether they are matched or not. For example, a full outer join between titles and publishers shows all titles and all publishers, even those that have no match)
правое внешнее соединениеright outer join (An outer join in which all the records from the right side of the RIGHT JOIN operation in the query's SQL statement are added to the query's results, even if there are no matching values in the joined field from the table on the left)
проводник по соединениямConnectivity Explorer
простое эквивалентное соединениеsimple equi-join (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
простые эквивалентные соединения входного и эталонного набора данныхsimple equi-joins between the input and a reference data set (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
профиль беспроводного соединенияhardcopy cable replacement profile (ssn)
прямое соединениеdirect connect (The state of being connected to a back-end database, so that any changes you make to a database diagram automatically update your database when you save the diagram or selected items in it)
пусть соединенияjoin path (A series of joins indicating how two tables are related)
разорвать соединениеunpair (Andy)
Разрешить клиентские соединения только для интрасетиAllow intranet-only client connections (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 Rori)
режим прямого соединенияad-hoc mode (Lubovj)
символы электронных соединенийelectronic connection symbols (Office System 2010 Rori)
синхронный с установлением соединенияsynchronous connection-oriented (Pertaining to a Bluetooth data link type which is a symmetrical, circuit-switched, point-to-point connection between a master device and a subordinate device, primarily used for voice traffic)
синхронный с установлением соединенияSCO (Pertaining to a Bluetooth data link type which is a symmetrical, circuit-switched, point-to-point connection between a master device and a subordinate device, primarily used for voice traffic)
Скорости вашего интернет-соединения достаточно для голосовых звонков и высококачественной видеосвязиthe internet connection between you will be fast enough for audio calls and high quality video calls. (Skype for Windows 5.10)
скошенное соединениеbevel join (The join style where two lines join at an angle creating a straight edge cutting off the corner)
скруглённое соединениеround join (The join style where two lines join at an angle creating a rounded edge, cutting off the corner)
событие соединенияconnection event (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
событие установки соединенияconnection setup event (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
соглашение о соединенииconnection agreement
содержать информацию для создания соединения со службой gRPCcontain the information for creating the connection to the gRPC service (Alex_Odeychuk)
соединение компонентовcomponent connection (The connection between two component nodes in the Application Flow panel in SketchFlow)
соединение компьютер-компьютерad-hoc mode (Lubovj)
соединение навигацииnavigation connection (The connection between two navigation nodes in the Application Flow panel in SketchFlow)
Соединение по VPNVPN connection (Andy)
соединение прерваноConnection Lost (Andy)
соединение с устройствомPairing accessory (The screen title prompting a user to enter the same PIN to pair the phone and the Bluetooth accessory)
соединение типа "звезда"star join (A join between a fact table (typically a large fact table) and at least two dimension tables)
соединение точка-точкаpoint-to-point connection (A method of connecting shapes such that the actual point of connection stays the same no matter how you move the connected shapes)
Соединение установленоConnection OK (Andy)
соединение фигура-фигураshape-to-shape connection (A method of connecting shapes. The actual point of connection might change when you move the connected shapes. You make shape-to-shape connections by dragging a connector from the center of one shape to the center of another shape)
состояние соединенияconnection state (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
состояние соединенияjoin state (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
столбец соединенияjoin column (A column referenced in a join condition)
тета-соединениеtheta join (A join based on a comparison of scalar values)
точка соединенияconnector point (An element in the Orchestration Designer that enables users to connect a Send/Receive shape with the operation of a port)
угловое соединениеcorner join (Two lines that are joined at an angle. For objects that have sharp corners, such as rectangles, you can change the way the stroke looks at each corner point by applying one of three corner join styles: miter join, round join, and bevel join)
уравнивающее соединениеequijoin (A join in which the values in the columns being joined are compared for equality, and all columns are included in the results)
условие соединенияjoin condition (A comparison clause that specifies how tables are related by their join columns)
установка соединенияconnection setup (ssn)
фацетное соединениеmiter join (The join style where the ends of two consecutive lines or paths form a sharp or a clipped corner, depending on whether the length of the miter exceeds the miter limit)
фильтр соединенияjoin filter (A filter used in merge replication that extends the row filter of one table to a related table)
хэш-соединениеhash join (A join algorithm that implements a join using a hash table to compare rows from the two sources. Rori)