
Terms for subject General containing совместное ведение | all forms | in specified order only
круг предметов совместного веденияscope of concurrent jurisdiction (Alexander Demidov)
круг предметов совместного веденияscope of joint jurisdiction (Alexander Demidov)
предметы совместного веденияconcurrent jurisdiction issues (A sole respondent suggested that the Guidelines should be applied to every situation where concurrent jurisdiction issues arise and that there should therefore ... Alexander Demidov)
предметы совместного веденияmatters under joint jurisdiction (grafleonov)
совместное ведениеconcurrent jurisdiction (Concurrent legislative jurisdiction refers to the legislative jurisdiction held by the U.S. concurrently with a state. The state grants to the U.S., and reserves to itself, ... Alexander Demidov)
совместное ведениеjoint jurisdiction (напр., are under the joint jurisdiction of ... Alexander Demidov)
совместные агенты по ведению реестраjoint book runners