
Terms for subject Construction containing советы | all forms
здание городского советаcity council building (Wall Street Journal Alex_Odeychuk)
Национальный Совет по Охранным СистемамNational Approval Council of Security System (Valeri Imashev)
отчёт совета директоровreport of the directors
Совет европейских производителей строительных материаловCouncil of European Producers of Materials for Construction (elmajor)
Совет европейских производителей строительных материаловCEPMC (Council of European Producers of Materials for Construction elmajor)
Совет зарегистрированных газомонтажных фирмCORGI (Council of Registered Gas Installers Strannik)
Совет по высоким зданиям и городской среде обитанияCouncil on Tall Building and Urban Habitat (vbadalov)
Совет по использованию водных ресурсов в районеdistrict water board (Ksysenka)
Совет по обучению в области строительстваCITB (Strannik)
Совет по производственному обучению в строительной отраслиConstruction Industry Training Board (expoclub.ru she-stas)
совет по урегулированию споровdispute adjudication board
Совет по урегулированию споровDispute Adjudication Board (Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB) and Dispute Avoidance and Adjudication Board (DAAB) is an on the job-site dispute adjudication process, comprising one or three independent and impartial persons selected by the contracting parties. The Dispute Adjudication Board is usually appointed at the commencement of a project before any disputes arise and, by undertaking regular visits to the site, is actively involved throughout the project. It is also possible to agree to a DAB or DAAB any time thereafter. They are used to help parties avoid or overcome any disagreements or disputes that may arise during the implementation of the contract. They also assist in avoiding or overcoming disagreements and disputes. myadr.co Linortis)
Совет по экологическому строительствуDGNB ([email protected])
экспертно-консультационный общественный советExpert and Advisory Public Council (ЭКОС Ker-online)