
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing совести | all forms | exact matches only
без малейшего зазрения совестиwithout a single shred of guilt (Sun-drenched mornings that turn into typical raincouver afternoons, so I can hike for a bit and then abandon all plans in favour of lying on the sofa and watching "Harry Potter" without a single shred of guilt. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
облегчить совестьclear one's conscience (Having had his story dismissed or ignored by authorities for nearly a decade, Olver finally decided to share his account with the world in the hopes of clearing his conscience over what he and his crew had found. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
по совести говоряto tell the truth (igisheva)
по совести сказатьto tell the truth (как вводная фраза igisheva)