
Terms for subject Informal containing собачьи | all forms
бред собачийhorsefeathers
бред собачийcompletely bonkers (это прилагательное!: It is all completely and insanely bonkers, and it leaves one wondering just what truth any of it has, and if it does, then what it was they encountered. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
бред собачийa load of bollocks (Bartek2001)
бред собачийload of bull (NatZ)
к чертям собачьимto hell in a handbasket ("Going to hell in a handbasket", "going to hell in a handcart", "going to hell in a handbag", "go to hell in a bucket", "sending something to hell in a handbasket" and "something being like hell in a handbasket" are variations on an American allegorical locution of unclear origin, which describes a situation headed for disaster inescapably or precipitately: I watched as the guy in charge did nothing and the whole place went to hell in a handbasket. • With the way he's running things, the company is going to hell in a handbasket! • After our funding was cut, our project went to hell in a handbasket. 4uzhoj)
к чертям собачьимkingdom come (So before you blow me to kingdom come, I want you to answer one question. • His son had enough ordnance to blow me to kingdom come. reverso.net 4uzhoj)
к чертям собачьимto hell
к чертям собачьимdown a hole (Beforeyouaccuseme)
не твое собачье делоnone of your damn business
нести чушь собачьюbat the breeze (MichaelBurov)
плаванье по-собачьиdog paddle
плавать или плыть по-собачьиdog-paddle
плавать по-собачьиdoggy-paddle (igisheva)
плавать по-собачьиdog-paddle
плыть по-собачьиdoggy-paddle (igisheva)
плыть по-собачьиdog-paddle
по-собачьиdoggy style (Val_Ships)
пойти к чертям собачьимgo to pot (Wiana)
пойти к чертям собачьимgo to hell in a handbasket (Wiana)
пойти к чертям собачьимgo to rack and ruin (Wiana)
собачий холодcolder than a witch's tit in a brass bra (VLZ_58)
собачий холодdamned cold (Andrey Truhachev)
собачье питаниеkennel ration (MichaelBurov)
собачья няняdog sitter (someone employed to do more that just walk the dog, but to look after it during a prolonged absence алешаBG)
собачья радостьsausage fit only for dogs
собачья радостьpoor-quality sausage
чушь собачьяa load of crap (4uzhoj)
чушь собачьяcompletely bonkers (это прилагательное!: It is all completely and insanely bonkers, and it leaves one wondering just what truth any of it has, and if it does, then what it was they encountered. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
чушь собачьяdog's breakfast (Супру)
чушь собачьяa load of total bullshit (4uzhoj)
чушь собачьяa load of hooey (4uzhoj)
чушь собачьяphony baloney (груб. Illika)
чушь собачья!what a load of crap! (ybelov)