
Terms containing снятие корпоративной вуали | all forms | in specified order only
gen.доктрина снятия корпоративной вуалиdoctrine of lifting the corporate veil (In the doctrine of 'Lifting the Corporate Veil', the law goes behind the mask or veil of incorporation in order to determine the real person behind the mask of a company. One of the main motivations for forming a corporation or company is the limited liability it offers its shareholders. The doctrine of lifting the corporate veil was cemented into modern company law by the celebrated case of Salomon v Salomon , where the House of Lords in ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.доктрина снятия корпоративной вуалиdoctrine of piercing the corporate veil (Under the doctrine of piercing the corporate veil, the courts may decide not observe the separation of the corporate entity from its stockholders, and it may deem the corporation's acts to be those of the persons or organizations actually controlling the corporation. This is based upon a finding by the court that the corporate form is used to perpetuate a fraud, circumvent a statute, or accomplish some other wrongful or inequitable purpose. uslegal.com Alexander Demidov)
lawснятие корпоративной вуалиveil piercing (в корпоративном праве degreez)
lawснятие корпоративной вуалиpiercing corporate veil (Leonid Dzhepko)
gen.снятие корпоративной вуалиpiercing the corporate veil (Charging normally immune corporate officers, shareholders, and so on with personal liability for the corporation's wrongdoing. WL Alexander Demidov)
gen.снятие корпоративной вуалиlifting the corporate veil (Piercing the corporate veil or lifting the corporate veil is a legal decision to treat the rights or duties of a corporation as the rights or liabilities of its shareholders. Usually a corporation is treated as a separate legal person, which is solely responsible for the debts it incurs and the sole beneficiary of the credit it is owed. Common law countries usually uphold this principle of separate personhood, but in exceptional situations may "pierce" or "lift" the corporate veil. WK Alexander Demidov)