
Terms for subject Informal containing случаях | all forms
безнадёжный случайgone case
в большинстве случаевmore times than not (igisheva)
в крайнем случаеat the very outside
в любом случаеall the way (ср. "anyway", "in any way" и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky)
в любом случаеno matter how you slice it (US, informal. used to say that the truth of a statement is not changed or affected by the way a situation is thought about or described. Losing is disappointing no matter how you slice it. (Merriam-Webster): Whether the snow forecast for tonight and tomorrow turns out to be a boom or a bust -- it’s going to be bad on the roads no matter how you slice it. As we learned the other day, it doesn’t matter if it’s a dusting or 15cm. Good luck! ART Vancouver)
в любом случаеfasho (fast-forward)
в любом случае спасибоthanks anyway (sophistt)
в любом случаю, спасибо!Thanks anyway! (Andrey Truhachev)
в наилучшем случаеat best (Val_Ships)
в некоторых случаяхat times (the power of government was, at times, awsame Val_Ships)
в противном случаеif you do (контекстуально: If you go and serve overseas as a missionary, you don't debate the culture. If you do, you are going to waste a lot of time. Himera)
в случае крайней необходимостиin emergency (Damirules)
в случае сin case with the (snowleopard)
в случае чегоin case anything happens
в случае чегоshould anything happen
в случае чегоif anything crops up (Anglophile)
в таком случаеon that note (This is a phrase which people use to transition between two ideas in a conversation, two parts of a speech, two sections of a meeting, etc. On that note, let's move on to new requests. Does anyone have any other areas that they'd like to see improved? VLZ_58)
в худшем случаеworst scenario (the Damirules)
во всяком случае пока чтоat least for the time being (means "at the present time, though possibly not at a later time" Val_Ships)
во многих случаяхa lot of times (A lot of times I skip that step in my makeup. Moscowtran)
возможно, его и нет дома, но мы всё-таки зайдём на всякий случайhe may not be in, but we'll chance it
делать что-то только в крайнем случаеin a pinch (Yeldar Azanbayev)
дело случаяfluke (Cambridge Dictionary: something good that has happened that is the result of chance instead of skill or planning: "The first goal was just a fluke.": In the first half, authority on Nostradamus and the occult, John Hogue returned to update his prophecy alarm. He shared predictions for the political landscape, 2021, and the new decade ahead. 2020 was not a fluke, he declared, and we can expect to see massive changes throughout this decade. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
забавный случайlaugh getter
исключительный случайone-off event (something occurring, done, or made only once Val_Ships)
исключительный случайone-off (not as part of a regular sequence Val_Ships)
клинический случайhead case (Bullfinch)
на всякий пожарный случайso as to be prepared for any emergency
на всякий пожарный случайjust in case of need
на всякий случайas a precaution (traffic was shut down as a precaution Val_Ships)
на всякий случайjust so you know (как вводная фраза 4uzhoj)
на всякий случай'cause you never know (Баян)
на всякий случайjust for the case (allp1ne)
на всякий случайfor the record (Just for the record, I was not even born when the events I'm describing happened. 4uzhoj)
на всякий случайon the off chance
на всякий случайfor good measure (I always put a little extra salt in the soup for good measure. Val_Ships)
на первый случаиbegin with
на первый случайbegin with
на всякий пожарный случайjust in case (of need)
на пожарный случайjust in case of need
ни в коем случаеnever ever (I will never ever leave him. Val_Ships)
ни в коем случаеnothing doing (Andrey Truhachev)
ни в коем случаеnone whatsoever (Val_Ships)
ни в коем случаеunder no circumstance (vandaniel)
ни в коем случаеbig-time no-no (Val_Ships)
ни в коем случаеnot a chance (Andy)
ни в коем случаеthere is no way (MichaelBurov)
ни в коем случаеno fear
ни в коем случае нельзяthere is no way (MichaelBurov)
оставь на волю случаяlet the cards fall where they may (судьбы VLZ_58)
пользоваться случаемsnatch at a chance
после этого случаяfollowing the episode (anyaserdyuk)
редчайший случайone-off event (Val_Ships)
слово, которое произносится, когда сказать просто нечего или в том случае, когда настала неожиданная пауза в разговореmerp (a word said when an awkward conversation is happening to make things less awkward,quiet or can be used as an expression of saddness or to change the conversation. Example: Boy: "Wanna make out?" Girl: "....um no..." Boy: "merp" Franka_LV)
случай выхода из строяfailure episode (Damirules)
случай ситуация, который приключился со мнойsituation on my hands (Franka_LV)
смешной случайcomedy
смешной случайlaugh
только в крайнем случаеonly in extremis (Val_Ships)
тяжёлый случайa piece of work (Qassem Suleimani)
тяжёлый случайdifficult case (financial-engineer)
тяжёлый случай!that's tough! (Anglophile)
уморительный случайscream
человек-несчастный случайaccident-prone (VLZ_58)
и это в лучшем случаеthat's the best case scenario (4uzhoj)
это не тот случайnot this time (Technical)