
Terms for subject Informal containing случайный | all forms | exact matches only
играть в случайном помещенииbarnstorm (о странствующем актёре)
иметь случайные, кратковременные сексуальные отношенияlollygag
иметь случайные, кратковременные сексуальные отношенияlallygag
пользоваться методом случайных проб, например в наукеplay about with (Пчёлка_83)
случайная находкаcome-by-chance
случайное знакомствоpick-up
случайное явлениеfluke (Cambridge Dictionary: something good that has happened that is the result of chance instead of skill or planning: "The first goal was just a fluke.": In the first half, authority on Nostradamus and the occult, John Hogue returned to update his prophecy alarm. He shared predictions for the political landscape, 2021, and the new decade ahead. 2020 was not a fluke, he declared, and we can expect to see massive changes throughout this decade. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
случайный звонокbutt calling (It's what happens when you dial/text someone by accident because you forget that your phone is in your back pocket when you sit down https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=butt call MichaelBurov)
случайный знакомыйrando (EvgeniyaLapa)
случайный набор номера в заднем карманеbutt-dial (an inadvertent call made while sitting on a mobile phone in one's rear pants pocket)
случайный прохожийrando (IreneBlack)