
Terms for subject Microsoft containing служебный | all forms
для служебного пользованияconfidential (для служебного пользования Artjaazz)
панель мониторинга служебной программы SQL ServerSQL Server Utility dashboard (A dashboard that provides an at-a-glance summary of resource health for managed SQL Server instances and data-tier applications. Can also be referred to as the SQL Server Utility detail view or the list view with details)
проводник служебной программы SQL ServerSQL Server Utility Explorer (A hierarchical tree displaying the objects in the SQL Server Utility)
служебная программа diskpart.exediskpart.exe (A command-line utility for formatting and managing disk partitions and volumes)
служебная программа PnPMicrosoft PnP Utility (A command prompt utility used to add new driver packages to the driver store; Майкрософт)
служебная программа SQL ServerSQL Server Utility (A way to organize and monitor SQL Server resource health. It enables administrators to have a holistic view of their environment)
служебная программа PnPMicrosoft PnP Utility
служебная программаutility (A computer program that performs a specific support function required by the operating system, by other programs, or by system users)
служебная программаservice program (A program that uses Service Broker functionality. A service program may be a Transact-SQL stored procedure, a SQLCLR stored procedure, or an external program)
служебная программа HFNETCHKHFNETCHK
служебная программа для запуска пакетов SQL ServerSQL Server Execute Package Utility (A graphical user interface that is used to run a Integration Services package)
служебная программа для сжатияcompression utility (A software program that reduces a file's size for storage on a disk. If a compressed file is too large to fit onto a single disk, the compression utility copies it onto multiple disks)
служебная программа для управления базами данныхMicrosoft Database Utility (A utility that a user can use to verify and, if necessary, rebuild the Outlook database; Майкрософт)
служебное сообщениеservice message (A message that contains service-related content)
служебные данныеoverhead (Work or information that provides support – possibly critical support-for a computing process but is not an intrinsic part of the operation or data. Overhead often adds to processing time but is generally necessary)
служебные сведенияProfessional Information (A section label on the Contact form on the Details tab)
точка управления служебной программойutility control point (A network node that provides the central reasoning point for the SQL Server Utility. It uses Utility Explorer in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to organize and monitor SQL Server resource health)
точка управления служебной программойUCP (A network node that provides the central reasoning point for the SQL Server Utility. It uses Utility Explorer in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to organize and monitor SQL Server resource health)
точки наблюдения служебной программы SQL ServerSQL Server Utility viewpoints (A feature of SQL Server Utility that provides administrators a holistic view of resource health through an instance of SQL Server that serves as a utility control point (UCP))
чтение данных служебной программыUtility Reader (A privilege that allows the user account to connect to the SQL Server Utility, see all viewpoints in the Utility Explorer in SSMS and see settings on the Utility Administration node in Utility Explorer in SSMS)