
Terms containing скрытый дефект | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
jarg.автомобиль со скрытыми дефектамиlemon (Alexander Matytsin)
tech.деталь со скрытыми дефектамиsuspect part (Post Scriptum)
tech.инструмент со скрытым дефектомundetected broken tool
Makarov.лошадь со скрытым дефектом при хорошем экстерьереflatcatcher
insur.оговорка о скрытых дефектахlatent defect clause
real.est.отсутствие гарантии на скрытые дефектыcaveat emptor (Generally, caveat emptor is the contract law principle that controls the sale of real property, but may also apply to sales of other goods. | Under the principle of caveat emptor, the buyer could not recover damages from the seller for defects on the property that rendered the property unfit for ordinary purposes. | The modern trend in the U.S. is that the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose applies in the real-estate context to only the sale of new residential housing by a builder-seller and the caveat emptor rule applies to all other real-estate sale situations (e.g. homeowner to buyer). 4uzhoj)
Игорь Миготсутствие гарантии на скрытые дефектыbuyer-beware
lawрасторжение договора купли-продажи ввиду скрытых дефектов вещиredhibition
busin.рынок подержанных автомобилей со скрытыми дефектамиlemon market (x-translator)
Makarov.скрытые дефектыembedded flaws
gen.скрытые дефектыlatent defects (a defect or problem with a product, property, etc. that is hard to notice and may not be noticed before it is bought: "When buying real estate, a cracked foundation is a serious latent defect that should be avoided. CBED. Latent Defects in Products: A latent defect is a flaw, weakness or imperfection in a product or good that the buyer cannot discover by reasonable inspection. The buyer's rights for a latent defect will depend upon the circumstances. | A Latent Defect is a problem that cannot be discovered by reasonable inspection, for example: problems with foundations which may not become apparent for several years after completion. When a latent defect becomes apparent, it becomes patent rather than latent. c-r-l.com Alexander Demidov)
logist.скрытые дефекты изделияlatent defects
econ.скрытый дефектconcealed fault
auto.скрытый дефектhidden weakness
ITскрытый дефектhidden fault
O&Gскрытый дефектhidden flaw
O&Gскрытый дефектhidden defect (more UK hits – АД)
metrol.скрытый дефектhidden abnormality
O&Gскрытый дефектhidden defect (more UK hits Alexander Demidov)
O&Gскрытый дефектinvisible defect
ITскрытый дефектlatent fault
el.скрытый дефектhidden defect
brit.скрытый дефектinherent defect (A defect in a property that is due to a defect in design, materials, workmanship, or supervision of contractors or site preparation works which existed but was not apparent on completion of the building works. PLG Alexander Demidov)
lawскрытый дефектconcealed defect
lawскрытый дефектlatent defect
busin.скрытый дефектinherent vice
Makarov.скрытый дефектlatent flaw
construct.скрытый дефект жилого домаlatent defect of a house (напр., неисправная электропроводка, применение краски, содержащей свинец и т.п.)
softw.скрытый потенциальный дефектpotential hidden flaw (Alex_Odeychuk)
insur.страхование от скрытых дефектовinherent defects insurance (IDI Ramzess)
insur.страхование от скрытых дефектовlatent defects insurance (Zartling)
O&G, sakh.страхование периода техобслуживания оборудования и обнаружения скрытых дефектовmaintenance and discovery insurance
shipb.условие, по которому страховщик возмещает убытки, явившиеся следствием скрытых дефектов корабля или машин, на нём установленныхInchmaree clause
construct.условие, согласно которому страховщик возмещает убытки, явившиеся следствием скрытых дефектов корпуса или машин суднаinchmaree clause
gen.явные или скрытые дефектыvisible or hidden defects (Alexander Demidov)