
Terms for subject Business containing скрытая | all forms | exact matches only
начинать осознавать скрытый смыслwake up to implication of (smth, чего-л.)
размещать товары в качестве скрытой рекламыplace products in (smth, во что-л.)
рынок подержанных автомобилей со скрытыми дефектамиlemon market (x-translator)
скрытая копияblind copy (skatya)
скрытая копия электронного сообщенияblind copy (о которой не знают другие получатели этого сообщения)
скрытая прибыльsecret commission (same as secret profit, see wikipedia.org Aiduza)
скрытая прибыльsecret profit
скрытая проверка изделияblind product test
скрытая рекламаbuzz campaign (ernst_ilin)
скрытая рекламаcamouflaged advertising
скрытая рекламная компанияbuzz campaign (т.ж. undercover campaign – напр., актер может как бы "невзначай" похвалить товар во время общения со зрителями, которые могут даже не догадываться, что являются целевой аудиторией для компании-рекламодателя ernst_ilin)
скрытое имуществоconcealed assets
скрытое налогообложениеcontingent tax liability
скрытое обязательствоdormant commitment
скрытое повышение ценdeflation (снижение производителем количества товара в упаковке при сохранении отпускной цены wikipedia.org bojana)
скрытые активыconcealed assets
скрытые возможностиlatent opportunities (Soulbringer)
скрытые дивидендыdisguised dividends (Constructive or Disguised Dividends: A constructive dividend is an undeclared dividend by the Corporations Board of Directors. It can be defined as any payment to a shareholder which is not classified as a dividend by the company. These payments are considered dividend and are taxable. For instance, when a company rents its offices from a shareholder and pays in excess of the office's fair market value, the company' s rent is considered a constructive dividend. As a result, rent becomes a taxable expense and the company cannot write off the rent. Borrowed funds, lease payments, rental payments, or the personal use of corporate assets of a shareholder is characterized as a constructive dividend. : Constructive or Disguised Dividends: It can be defined as any payment to a shareholder which is not classified as a dividend by the company. These payments are considered dividend and are taxable. • The Tax Court took the position that John Menard’s $20 million salary was really a disguised dividend because it was much greater than the salaries of the Home Depot and Lowe’s CEOs, who earned $2.8 million and $6.1 million respectively. • Last year, in Pediatric Surgical Associates, P.C. v. Commissioner, the U.S. Tax Court held that Pediatric Surgical Associates, P.C. (PSA) erroneously deducted a portion of bonuses paid to shareholder-employee surgeons as compensation, since such portion constituted disguised dividends. • If the IRS successfully recharacterizes compensation as disguised dividends, the business loses its tax deduction and incurs interest and penalties charges. uslegal.com)
скрытые доходыundisclosed earnings
скрытые затратыhidden costs
скрытые резервыuntapped reserves
скрытые свойства упаковкиlatent properties of packing
скрытый дефектinherent vice
скрытый дивидендconcealed dividend
скрытый налогhidden tax
скрытый налогcontingent tax
скрытый недочётlatent defect
скрытый резервundisclosed reserve
скрытый резервhidden reserve
скрытый смыслimplication of (smth, чего-л.)
скрытый ущербhidden damage
скрытый ущербconcealed damage
скрыть документыsuppress the papers (алешаBG)