
Terms for subject Microsoft containing символы | all forms | exact matches only
автозамена математическими символамиMath Autocorrect
базовый символbase character (A character that has meaning independent of other characters, or any graphical character that is not a diacritical mark)
двухбайтовые символыdouble-byte characters (A set of characters in which each character is represented by two bytes. Some languages, such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, require double-byte character sets)
идеографический символideographic character (A character in an Asian writing system that represents a concept or an idea, but not a particular word or pronunciation)
идеографический символideograph (A character in an Asian writing system that represents a concept or an idea, but not a particular word or pronunciation)
Имя базы данных распространителя не может содержать следующие символы:the distribution database name cannot contain the following characters (SQL Server 2012)
Имя домена не может состоять только из пробелов и символов табуляцииthe Domain name cannot consist solely of spaces or tab characters (Windows Server 2003 SP1)
контроль достоверности оптического распознавания символовOCR reference control (A service from BGC that confirms the validity of an OCR reference number in the BG Max file. The user can confirm only the digits or also confirm the character length)
многобайтовая таблица символовmultibyte character set
набор символов ASCIIASCII character set (A standard 7-bit code for representing ASCII characters using binary values; code values range from 0 to 127. Most PC-based systems use an 8-bit extended ASCII code, with an extra 128 characters used to represent special symbols, foreign-language characters, and graphic symbols)
назначенный символmnemonic (A word, rhyme, or other memory aid used to associate a complex or lengthy set of information with something that is simple and easy to remember. Mnemonics are widely used in computing. Programming languages other than machine language, for example, are known as symbolic languages because they use short mnemonics, such as ADD (for addition) and def (for define) to represent instructions and operations. Similarly, operating systems and applications based on typed commands use mnemonics to represent instructions to the program. MSDOS, for example, uses dir (for directory) to request a list of files)
небезопасный символunsafe character (A character in a URL that may be altered during transport across the Internet)
непечатаемый символnonprinting character (A character used to control the format of displayed or printed information, rather than to represent a particular letter, digit, or other special character. The space is one of the more important nonprinting characters)
непечатаемый символnon-printable character (A character used to control the format of displayed or printed information, rather than to represent a particular letter, digit, or other special character. The space is one of the more important nonprinting characters)
неподдерживаемый символ-разделитель необработанного строкового литералаunsupported raw string literal delimiter character (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
нуль-символnull character (" A character code with a null value; literally, a character meaning "nothing." Although it is real in the sense of being recognizable, occupying space internally in the computer, and being sent or received as a character, a NUL character displays nothing, takes no space on the screen or on paper, and causes no specific action when sent to a printer. In ASCII, NUL is represented by the character code 0. ")
обычный символordinary character (In regular expressions, any valid character that does not have a special meaning in the current regular expression grammar)
однобайтовая таблица символовsingle-byte character set
Отображать введенные символы на экранеEcho typed characters locally (Andy)
переменная с символом splatted variable (A variable passed as a command argument where the variable sigil "$" has been replaced with ')
переменная с символом splatted variable (A variable passed as a command argument where the variable sigil "$" has been replaced with "
распознавание символов, напечатанных магнитными черниламиmagnetic ink character recognition (A character recognition system for reading and processing data that uses special inks and characters)
расширенный символwide character (A 2-byte multilingual character code)
сервер символовsymbol server (Ding_an_sich)
сетевые символыNetwork Symbols (Office System 2013, Visio 2013 Rori)
символ авторского праваcopyright symbol (The © character. Normally included at the beginning of a copyright notice)
символ блок-схемыflowchart symbol (An icon that illustrates one of the various flowcharting functions)
символ вертикальной чертыVERTICAL LINE (The | character)
символ кинжала-крестикаdagger (The † character)
символ национального алфавитаextended character (Any of the 128 additional characters in the extended ASCII (8-bit) character set. These characters include those in several non-English languages, such as accent marks, and special symbols used for creating pictures)
символ перевода строкиnew-line character (Ding_an_sich)
символ подчёркиванияunderscore (The _ character)
символ процентаpercent sign (The % character)
символ-разделитель необработанного строкового литералаraw string literal delimiter character (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
символ решёткиpound key (The character)
символ с диакритическим знакомaccented character
символ структуры документаoutline symbol (A symbol that is displayed beside a paragraph in outline view. You can use the symbol to display or hide subordinate levels of text and to reorganize text quickly)
символ типа идентификатораidentifier type character (" A character that that forces a literal to assume a data type other than the one its form indicates. You do this by appending the character to the end of the literal. For example, "%" forces the Integer data type of the literal "L" in the following declaration: Dim L%.")
символ типа литералаliteral type character (A textual representation of a particular value of a data type. For example, 2147483647 represents a value of integer data type)
символ товарного знакаtrademark symbol (The symbol or character used to indicate that a word, phrase, symbol, or design is a trademark, but not a registered trademark)
символ ЮникодаUnicode character (Andy)
символы префиксаprefix characters (A set of 1 to 4 bytes that prefix each data field in a native-format bulk-copy data file)
символы электронных соединенийelectronic connection symbols (Office System 2010 Rori)
Содержит различные часто используемые сетевые символыContains many commonly used network symbols. (Office System 2010, Visio 2013 Rori)
состоять только из символов пробелаconsist only of white-space characters (Alex_Odeychuk)
специальный символnon-alphanumeric character (Andy)
специальный символ XMLXML entity (The combination of characters and symbols that replace other characters when an XML document is parsed, usually those that have other meanings in XML. For example, < represents the < symbol, which is also the opening bracket for a tag)
строка символовcharacter string (A set of characters treated as a unit and interpreted by a computer as text rather than numbers. A character string can contain any sequence of elements from a given character set, such as letters, numbers, control characters, and extended ASCII characters)
строковый литерал с двухбайтовыми символамиwide character string literal (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
строковый литерал с расширенными символамиwide character string literal (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
таблица символовCharacter Map (A feature in Windows that makes it possible to use characters that are not displayed on the keyboard)
управляющий символcontrol character (A character that is inserted in right-to-left and mixed text to specify the formatting of text when the inherent directionality of the text is insufficient to display expected results)
хранилище символовsymbol store (Ding_an_sich)