
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing силою | all forms
выбиться из силget exhausted (Anybody can get exhausted, anybody can get frustrated by hearing this kind of music all day long. Therefore I'm asking for two months of probation for my client. ART Vancouver)
не под силуbe no match for (On East Hastings Street, buses were no match for the snow. -- снег был не под силу автобусам youtube.com ART Vancouver)
не пожалеть ни сил, ни средствspare no expense and no pains ("I desire you to spare no expense and no pains to get at the truth." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
не пожалеть сил и времениtake the time and effort ("Sulcatas are one of the largest tortoises that we have. And the reason that we call them tanks is because of their incredible ability to dig through, well, most people's houses," said Walton, who works at Dewdney Animal Hospital in Maple Ridge, about 45 kilometres east of Vancouver. "These can be wonderful pets if you take the time and effort, and have long-term planning and family members who are willing to take on this animal after you die," he said. cbc.ca ART Vancouver)
отдавать все свои силыbe dedicated to (чему-либо: Our cabin crew are dedicated to ensuring that your flight experience is seamless sankozh)
посвящать все своё время и силыbe dedicated to (sankozh)
сделать всё, что в наших силахdo everything we possibly can (We're going to do everything we possibly can in this situation. ART Vancouver)
тайные силыthe powers that be (в правительстве, спецслужбах: Some viewers have suggested that his initial 'giant' video was genuine and that the young man either really did raise the ire of the proverbial 'powers that be' or he was so overcome with paranoia that he believed this was the case. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)