
Terms for subject Microsoft containing сетки | all forms
вложенная сеткаsub-grid (A grid added to a form by a customizer that provides users with access to a group of records, which are usually contextually related)
линии сеткиgrid lines (The faint vertical and horizontal lines that appear in the drawing window when the grid is turned on. You can use grid lines to help position shapes precisely)
линия сеткиgridline (A line added to a chart that makes it easier to view and evaluate data. Gridlines extend from the tick marks on an axis across the plot area)
начало сеткиgrid origin (The point that defines the layout of grid lines on the drawing page. A vertical grid line and a horizontal grid line pass through the grid origin, and all other grid lines are drawn at specified intervals from these reference lines)
панель сеткиgrid panel (A layout container that arranges its child elements in rows and columns that form a grid)
переменная сеткаvariable grid (Grid lines that change as you change the magnification of a drawing. When you zoom in, grid lines are closer together. When you zoom out, grid lines are farther apart)
сгруппированная сеткаGrouped Grid (A grouped and ordered list of HTML blocks in ListView)
сетка данныхData Grid (An instance of Excel that has minimal UI and that enables a user to insert or edit chart data within the context of a non-Excel Office document)
сетка действий событийevent action grid (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
сетка кнопокbutton grid (A rectangular group of buttons with similar functions on a point-of-sale screen)
сетка полей событийevent field grid (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
сетка редактора картMapper grid (The multi-layered middle area of the main BizTalk Mapper window, between the source and destination schemas, in which data mapping is defined)
сетка свойств верхнего уровняtop-level property grid (A property grid that only displays the properties that appear in the sentence-level view of an action. Rori)
сетка свойств верхнего уровняtop-level property grid (A property grid that only displays the properties that appear in the sentence-level view of an action)
сетка столбцовColumns Grid (An editable grid structure in the Table Designer that lists the columns of a table and additional information about each column)
сетка таблицыtable grid (Office System 2013 Rori)
сетка цветовcolor grid (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
стиль горизонтальных линий сеткиhorizontal gridline style (ssn)
Установка привязки к сетке для выравнивания графических объектовSets up a grid for aligning drawing objects (Word 2007, Office System 2010 Rori)