
Terms for subject General containing серийного производства | all forms | in specified order only
запустить серийное производствоbegin start mass producing (VLZ_58)
запустить серийное производствоbegin start mass production of (VLZ_58)
массовое или серийное производствоlarge output
массовое, серийное производствоquantity production
масштаб серийного производстваproduction run (all of the processes necessary to manufacture a certain product etc. Collins. A group of similar or related goods that is produced by using a particular group of manufacturing procedures, processes or conditions. The most desirable size of a production run required by a business will depend on the consumer demand for the good produced, as well as how much it costs to set up production and carry excess inventory. BD. This will include holding a number of "flash sales" in Europe beginning next week, in which the device will be sold for short periods of time – giving the developers an opportunity to gauge demand and respond to feedback before committing to a bigger production run. BBC Alexander Demidov)
непрерывное серийное производствоcontinuous production (Александр Рыжов)
подготовка к серийному производствуpre production
приступить к серийному производствуbegin start mass producing (VLZ_58)
приступить к серийному производствуbegin start mass production of (VLZ_58)
у нас имеется контракт на серийное производствоwe have secured a contract for mass production
фабричного, серийного, поточного производстваnon-bespoke (в противовес bespoke, т. е. сделанному на индивидуальный заказ iwebman)