
Terms for subject Microsoft containing секретное | all forms
ответ на секретный вопросsecret answer (An answer that only the user knows for a specific question. The answer is used to confirm someone's identity if they forget their password)
секретная комната чатаsecret chat room (In the Lync persistent chat feature, a room that has been set up with the most restricted level of privacy. Only members of a secret chat room can find it, see who is participating in it, follow it, or read and post in it)
секретная комната чатаsecret chat room (In the Lync persistent chat feature, a room that has been set up with the most restricted level of privacy. Only members of a secret chat room can find it, see who is participating in it, follow it, or read and post in it. Rori)
секретный ключsecret key (A symmetric encryption key shared by two entities, such as between a user and the domain controller (DC), with a long lifetime. A password is a common example of a secret key. When used in a context that implies Kerberos only, a principal's secret key)
секретный кодpasscode (An authentication credential similar to a password, consisting of numbers)