
Terms for subject Microsoft containing связан | all forms
аспект, связанный с ресурсамиresource-related aspect (Alex_Odeychuk)
веб-часть списка связанных внешних данныхExternal Data Related List Web Part (A Web Part that displays a list of related external items from a business application)
все изображения, связанные с объявлениямиall declaration-related images (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
Выделение текста, связанного со знаком примечанияHighlights the text associated with an comment reference mark (Word 2007, Office System 2010 Rori)
изображения, связанные с объявлениямиdeclaration-related images (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
имя связанного объектаAssociated Entity Name (Windows 8 Rori)
интенсивность прохождения заданий, не связанных с вводом-выводом, через пул потоков обработкиrate of non-I/O jobs through the processing thread pool (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
количество бездействующих потоков в пуле потоков обработки, выделенных для заданий, не связанных с вводом-выводомnumber of idle threads in the processing thread pool dedicated to non-I/O jobs (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
количество заданий, не связанных с вводом-выводом, в очереди пула потоков обработкиnumber of non-I/O jobs in the queue of the processing thread pool (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
количество потоков, выполняющих задания, не связанные с вводом-выводом, в пуле потоков обработкиnumber of threads running non-I/O jobs in the processing thread pool (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
Компания, которая связана с проводкой по накладнойthe company that is associated with the invoice transaction (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
Настраиваемые свойства, связанные с ячейкамиCustom properties linked to cells (Office System 2010 Rori)
Невозможно удалить базу данных "%1!s!" распространителя. Эта база данных распространителя связана с Издателемcould not drop the distribution database '%1!s!'. This distributor database is associated with a Publisher (SQL Server 2012)
Показать связанную веб-страницуShow associated web page (Office System 2013 Rori)
представление всех связанных действийall activity associated view (ssn)
представление всех связанных действийAll Activity Associated View (A view in CRM that displays all activities associated with an entity)
процесс, связанный с документооборотомhuman workflow (ssn)
процесс, связанный с документооборотомdocument-centric workflow (ssn)
рабочий процесс, связанный с документооборотомdocument-centric workflow (ssn)
рисунок, связанный с даннымиdata graphic
связанная автоматизацияassociated automation (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
связанная группа мерlinked measure group (A reference in a cube to a measure group in a different cube (that is, a cube with a different data source view that exists in the same or a different Analysis Services database). A linked measure group can only be edited in the source database)
связанная группа мерlinked measure group (A reference in a cube to a measure group in a different cube (that is, a cube with a different data source view that exists in the same or a different Analysis Services database). A linked measure group can only be edited in the source database. Rori)
связанная сборкаassociated build (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
связанная системаbound system (The application system whose applications are bound to logical servers as described on a deployment diagram)
связанная ссылкаrelated link (A Team Foundation link between two work items)
связанная таблицаlinked table (An OLE DB rowset exposed by an OLE DB data source that has been defined as a linked server for use in SQL Server distributed queries)
связанная таблица стилейlinked style sheet (A type of cascading style sheet that exists in a separate file and is referenced throughout one or more Web pages. Rori)
связанная таблица стилейlinked style sheet (A type of cascading style sheet that exists in a separate file and is referenced throughout one or more Web pages)
связанное выделениеcontiguous selection
связанное измерениеlinked dimension (A reference in a cube to a dimension in a different cube (that is, a cube with a different data source view that exists in the same or a different Analysis Services database). A linked dimension can only be related to measure groups in the source cube, and can only be edited in the source database. Rori)
связанное измерениеlinked dimension (A reference in a cube to a dimension in a different cube (that is, a cube with a different data source view that exists in the same or a different Analysis Services database). A linked dimension can only be related to measure groups in the source cube, and can only be edited in the source database)
связанное представлениеlookup view (The view used when a user clicks a lookup field)
связанное представлениеassociated view
связанное приложениеbound application (An application from within the bound system that is bound to a specific server within the target logical datacenter)
связанное расширениеlink extension (A Web Deploy feature that makes it possible to perform additional custom tasks during deployment)
связанное событиеrelated event (Andy)
связанное устройствоpartnered device (A device that has been set to establish device-to-device connection with another one, such as by radio, Bluetooth or infrared)
связанные базы данныхAssociated Databases (SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
связанные варианты продуктаrelated product variants (microsoft.com bojana)
связанные данныеbound data (Data linked to a Web page)
связанные действияrelated actions (Duet 2013 Rori)
Связанные документыRelated Documents (Andy)
связанные политики голосовой связиAssociated voice policies (Lync Server 2013 Rori)
связанные разноскиbridged postings (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
связанные событияrelated events (Other events that might be related to the selected event based on time. Time-based correlation helps establish causality by grouping Operational, Performance, System, and Application events that occur over a defined period)
связанные событияevent associations (Windows 8 ssn)
связанные фреймыConnected Frames (A Windows feature that enables developers and designers to build paginated content. They can take a single stream of HTML content containing text and images, and segment that stream into multiple containers defined in an HTML template across multiple pages. Connected Frames provides a declarative mechanism to link and flow HTML content across a finite set of frames with variable position and sizing that have been defined either statically or dynamically. Connected Frames also provides a set of programmatic interfaces which allow developers to detect when content overflow has occurred on a Connected Frame, determine when no more content is available for fragmentation, exposes the entire document associated with a set of Connected Frames, and exposes fragment content associated with a specific Connected Frame)
Связанные элементыRelated Items (A feature that enables users to link an item in a SharePoint task list to other items in the site that are related to it)
связанный вложенный запросcorrelated subquery (A subquery that references a column in the outer statement. The inner query is run for each candidate row in the outer statement)
связанный выборextended selection (A selection technique that is optimized for the selection of a single object or single range using contiguous selection techniques. However, it also supports modifying an existing selection using disjoint selection techniques)
связанный идентификаторlinked ID (A Windows Live ID that is connected to at least one other Windows Live ID. When customers link IDs, they can sign in with one ID and switch to others without having to sign out from the first. Customers set up linked IDs in Windows Live Account. Rori)
связанный идентификаторlinked ID (A Windows Live ID that is connected to at least one other Windows Live ID. When customers link IDs, they can sign in with one ID and switch to others without having to sign out from the first. Customers set up linked IDs in Windows Live Account)
связанный классassociated class (Windows 7 Rori)
связанный объектlinked object (An object that is inserted into a document but still exists in the source file. When information is linked, the new document is updated automatically if the information in the original document changes)
связанный проектlinked project (A project that contains task dependencies to and from tasks in other project files. A link to a task in another project is represented with a placeholder or ghost task. Rori)
связанный проектlinked project (A project that contains task dependencies to and from tasks in other project files. A link to a task in another project is represented with a placeholder or ghost task)
связанный рисунокlinked picture (A picture that links to a high-resolution image file that is stored outside of the publication file. If the linked picture is changed in an image-editing program, you can update the linked picture in the publication file. Rori)
связанный рисунокlinked picture (A picture that links to a high-resolution image file that is stored outside of the publication file. If the linked picture is changed in an image-editing program, you can update the linked picture in the publication file)
связанный сайт порталаAssociated Portal Site (Office System 2010 SP1 Rori)
связанный серверlinked server (A definition of an OLE DB data source used by SQL Server distributed queries. The linked server definition specifies the OLE DB provider required to access the data, and includes enough addressing information for the OLE DB provider to connect to the data)
связанный столбецbinding column (ssn)
связанный элементbound element (In a static structure diagram, a use of a parameterized class, or template, in which the parameters from the parameterized class are bound to actual values)
связанный элементbound item (An item that has been extended with system attributes and line-of-business (LOB) data for the purpose of associating it with an LOB entity)
связанный элементrelated item (Andy)
связанный элемент управленияbound control (A control used on a form, report, or data access page to display or modify data from a table, query, or SQL statement)
Связать ошибку с имеющимся тестовым случаемLink Bug to Existing Test Case (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
службы, связанные с рабочим процессомworkflow services (Alex_Odeychuk)
список связанного выбораextended-selection list box (A list box that supports multiple selection, but is optimized for a selection of a single object or single range. See also extended selection and list box)
список связанных внешних данныхExternal Data Related List (A Web Part that displays a list of related external items from a business application)
список связанных серверовLinked server list (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
устранение неполадок, связанных с системойtroubleshoot system related problems (Windows 8 ssn)