
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing самое | all forms | exact matches only
в самом разгареin full cry (igisheva)
в самом худшем случаеin a worst-case scenario (In a worst-case scenario, a moderate earthquake on the Vancouver Island fault would create a potential tsunami that would impact not only Victoria but also Vancouver, Seattle, Bellingham, Olympia, and Tacoma. dailyhive.com ART Vancouver)
войти в число самыхmake it straight into the top (с сущ. во мн.ч.: There have been a number of similar reports across the country, added the paranormal expert. But this case made it straight into his top six scariest road ghost encounters he's ever come across. mirror.co.uk ART Vancouver)
если это в самом деле такshould that be the case (Although the origins of the doll appear to be shrouded in mystery, one business owner in Lucinda claims that the 'little girl' and her swing were created by a local couple as something of an art installation with the goal of adding some color to the community. Should that be the case, their mission has proven to be a strange success as the town has now become infamous for being the home of a haunted doll that curses anyone who dares go near it. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
Желаю всего самого лучшего в Новом годуBest Wishes for the New Year (Leonid Dzhepko)
и в самом делеand sure enough (And sure enough, the key was in the bottom drawer. ART Vancouver)
и в самом делеsure enough (When I left the house earlier and got to West Broadway it was both sunny & raining and I thought this is rainbow weather. Sure enough -- then it appeared! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
на самом деле всё наоборотyou've got it backwards (You’ve got it backwards. ART Vancouver)
по самым скромным оценкамat a conservative estimate (или "подсчётам": "He isn't half as pumpkin-headed as you.' 'He is, at a conservative estimate, about twenty-seven times as pumpkin-headed as me." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
при самом наилучшем раскладе событийthe best-case scenario is that
при самом худшем раскладеthe worst-case scenario is that
происходитслучается что-либо в самый последний моментCome in under the wire (Interex)
Пусть Новый Год подарит Вам все самое лучшее!Wishing you all the best for the New Year! (Leonid Dzhepko)
решать лишь самые простые задачи, не требующие особых усилийpick the low-hanging fruit (xieji)
само по себеas it is (A man and his girlfriend were reportedly driving along a rural road when they saw some movement near the side of the road. They originally thought the figure was a naked man crawling along on the ground, which was already odd enough as it is, but as they approached they realized that it was even much stranger than this. (mysteriousuniverse.org) -- что уже само по себе было странно ART Vancouver)
само собойsure enough ('Did Helen come too?' 'Sure enough, she was there.' ART Vancouver)
самое главноеthe key ("There is no such thing as a great voice; there's only good actors and bad actors," he explained. The key, he continued, is to study acting first —particularly improv acting— and then to focus on voiceover. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
самое трудноеthe hardest part (The hardest part of being an adult is figuring out where to get money. ART Vancouver)
самому себе рыть ямуshoot oneself in the foot (Халеев)
самый главный вопросthat's the sixty-four thousand question (Interex)
самый ..., какой мне приходилось видетьthe best ... I have ever seen (лучший образец для популярной модели в англ. яз. ; ever *вообще* не требуется переводить на русский, эта манера уже прочно утвердилась в практике переводчиков с появлением видеофильмов: "самое великолепное парусное судно, какое мне приходилось видеть (...)" – А.С. Грин ART Vancouver)
сейчас самое времяthe time is now (igisheva)
теперь самое времяthe time is now (igisheva)
то же самое можно сказать оthe same might be said of (Falcon criticized B.C. Premier David Eby, saying Eby has "suddenly woken up" to the housing crisis after a term as housing minister. The same might be said of Falcon, who was Liberal transportation minister for five years, between 2004 and 2009. We note that no new bridges to the North Shore were built during that time. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
то же самое относится кthe same goes for (the часто опускается: Snow for Regina, the same goes for Winnipeg and Saskatoon. • The red dots are just there to help keep things organised. Same goes for the yellow markers to the left of the columns. ART Vancouver)
уже самsheer (по себе: усиление: Furthermore, the sheer speed with which the plane descended was at odds with a typical approach for landing, emergency or not. -- уже сама по себе скорость снижения самолёта не соответствовала типичной скорости при заходе на посадку, будь то аварийной или штатной (ufoinsight.com) ART Vancouver)
ясно с самого началаbe plain from the outset (It was plain from the outset that ... – С самого начала было ясно, что ... ART Vancouver)