
Terms for subject Microsoft containing резервная | all forms | exact matches only
автоматическое резервное копирование и самостоятельное восстановлениеself-service restore (A service that provides a basic disaster recovery capability by automatically creating and maintaining backups for up to 30 days when creating a database with any service tier to back-out unintentional changes or recover an accidentally deleted database. Rori)
базовая резервная копияbase backup (A data backup of a database or files upon which a differential backup is fully or partially based. The base backup is the most recent full or file backup of the database or files)
выделенное для резервного копирования вспомогательное пространствоscratch space configured for backup (System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 ssn)
выделенный для резервного копированияconfigured for backup (System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 ssn)
добавочное резервное копированиеincremental backup (A backup that copies only those files created or changed since the last normal or incremental backup. It marks files as having been backed up (in other words, the archive attribute is cleared). If you use a combination of normal and incremental backups to restore your data, you will need to have the last normal backup and all incremental backup sets)
ежедневное резервное копированиеdaily backup (A backup that copies all selected files that have been modified the day the daily backup is performed. The backed-up files are not marked as having been backed up (in other words, the archive attribute is not cleared))
массовое резервное копирование журналовbulk log backup
моментальный снимок резервной копииbackup snapshot
Оперативное резервное копированиеonline backup (Andy)
оператор резервного копированияbackup operator (A type of local or global group that contains the user rights you need to back up and restore files and folders. Members of the Backup Operators group can back up and restore files and folders regardless of ownership, permissions, encryption, or auditing settings)
переключение клиента на резервный ресурсclient failover (The process in which a namespace client attempts to access subsequent targets in a referral if the first target is (or becomes) unavailable)
полная резервная копияfull backup (A backup of an entire database)
полное разностное резервное копированиеfull differential backup (A backup of all files in the database, containing only changes made to the database since the most recent full backup. A full differential backup requires a full backup as a base)
разностная резервная копияdifferential backup (A backup containing only changes made to the database since the preceding data backup on which the differential backup is based)
разностное резервное копирование файловfile differential backup
расписание резервного копированияbackup schedule (SQL platon)
резервная батареяbattery backup (A battery-operated power supply used as an auxiliary source of electricity in the event of a power failure)
резервная копияdata backup (Any backup that includes the full image of one or more data files)
резервная копияbackup information (Andy)
резервная копия журналовlog backup (A backup of transaction logs that includes all log records not backed up in previous log backups. Log backups are required under the full and bulk-logged recovery models and are unavailable under the simple recovery model)
резервная копия заключительного фрагмента журналаtail-log backup (A log backup taken from a possibly damaged database to capture the log that has not yet been backed up. A tail-log backup is taken after a failure in order to prevent work loss)
резервная копия исходного состояния системыbare-metal backup (A backup that includes all critical volumes so that the recovered system is bootable. It can optionally include all the data volumes so that, if a recovery is performed to a new hard disk, the data volumes also get restored. You can rebuild a machine from scratch and it works on alternate hardware too)
резервная копия образа системыsystem image backup (Windows 10 ssn)
резервная копия файловfile backup
резервная непрерывная репликацияstandby continuous replication (A replication that uses the same log shipping and replay technology used by local continuous replication (LCR) and cluster continuous replication (CCR) to provide added deployment options and configurations)
резервная переменнаяbacking variable (A private variable that holds the value of a property. The property's Get and Set procedures access the backing field)
резервная точка состоянияfallback status point (microsoft.com bojana)
резервная формаfallback form (A form that is displayed when another form option isn't explicitly set. An example would be if an administrator fails to define a form for a particular security group that has access to the application)
резервная ячейкаholding cell (In the FreeCell game, the four card locations in the upper-left corner of the screen. Each cell holds one card)
резервная ячейкаfree cell (In the FreeCell game, the four card locations in the upper-left corner of the screen. Each cell holds one card)
резервное времяsafety margin (A time buffer, specified in days, that is added to order due dates to protect against unplanned delays in the item lead time)
резервное время для повторного заказаreorder margin (A number of days added to normal procurement time for items to protect against unplanned delays)
резервное время для приходаreceipt margin
резервное время для расходаissue margin (A number of days added to issues from inventory, such as sales order transactions, to protect against unplanned delays)
резервное действиеfallback action
резервное копирование данныхdata backup (Any backup that includes the full image of one or more data files)
резервное копирование на магнитную лентуtape backup (A SQL Server backup operation that writes to any tape device supported by the operating system)
Резервное копирование на уровне базовых блоковBrick-level backup (Bob&Alice)
резервное копирование на уровне блоковblock level backup
резервное копирование неполного журнала и массовых измененийbulk log backup (A backup that includes log and data pages changed by bulk operations. Point-in-time recovery is not allowed)
резервное копирование только журналовpure log backup (A backup containing only the transaction log covering an interval without any bulk changes)
резервное полеbacking field (A private variable that holds the value of a property. The property's Get and Set procedures access the backing field)
резервное хранилищеbacking store (A mass-storage device that serves as backup memory for paging when physical memory is full)
резервный аккумуляторbackup battery (An additional battery source available in Windows Mobile powered devices. It avoids data loss if the primary battery loses power)
резервный запасsafety stock (The planned minimum inventory level)
резервный набор данныхbackup set (A collection of files, folders, and other data that have been backed up and stored in a file or on one or more tapes)
резервный назначенный маршрутизаторbackup designated router (An OSPF router that forms adjacencies with all other routers on a multiple access network and becomes the designated router when the designated router becomes unavailable)
Резервный назначенный маршрутизаторBackup designated-router (Rori)
резервный операторfail-safe operator (A user who receives the alert if the designated operator cannot be reached. Rori)
резервный операторfail-safe operator (A user who receives the alert if the designated operator cannot be reached)
резервный потокbacking stream (The existing stream, that the new stream will be based on. Rori)
резервный сайтfallback site (The site in the hierarchy that clients are assigned to when they are installed by using automatic site assignment and they are not in a boundary group that has an assigned site. Rori)
резервный серверwarm standby server (A standby server that contains a copy of a database that is asynchronously updated, and that can be brought online fairly quickly)
резервный серверstandby server (" A server instance containing a copy of a database that can be brought online if the source copy of the database becomes unavailable. Log shipping can be used to maintain a "warm" standby server, called a secondary server, whose copy of the database is automatically updated from log backups at regular intervals. Before failover to a warm standby server, its copy of the database must be brought fully up to date manually. Database mirroring can be used to maintain a "hot" standby server, called a mirror server, whose copy of the database is continuously brought up to date. Failover to the database on a mirror server is essentially instantaneous.")
резервный типbacking type (A type in a given type system that defines the object that is created when parsing a XAML object element or instantiating a XAML type. In XAML for WPF, a backing type is a CLR type)
резервный файлstandby file (" In a restore operation, a file used during the undo phase to hold a "copy-on-write" pre-image of pages that are to be modified. The standby file allows reverting the undo pass to bring back the uncommitted transactions.")
создание резервной копии базы данных распространителяbacking up the distribution database (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
создать резервную копиюback up (To make a duplicate copy of a program, a disk, or data)
теневая копия для резервного копированияbackup shadow copy (A shadow copy of a replica created by the DpmBackup command-line tool. In DPM, backup shadow copies are used to archive replicas to tape)
Убедитесь, что выделенное для резервного копирования вспомогательное пространство находится в папке, которая не зашифрована и не является сжатойEnsure that the scratch space configured for backup is located in an unencrypted and uncompressed folder (System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 ssn)
устройство резервного копированияbackup device (A tape or disk drive containing a backup medium)
устройство резервного копированияdump device (A tape or disk drive containing a backup medium)
файл резервной копииbackup file
частичное разностное резервное копированиеpartial differential backup (A partial backup that is differential relative to a single, previous partial backup (the base backup). For a read-only database, a partial differential backup contains only the primary filegroup)
частичное резервное копированиеpartial backup (A backup of all the data in the primary filegroup, every read-write filegroup, and any optionally specified files. A partial backup of a read-only database contains only the primary filegroup)
Число запросов, для которых истекло время ожидания резервного регистратораNumber of requests for which backup registrar timed out (Lync Server 2013 Rori)