
Terms for subject Microsoft containing разностное | all forms | exact matches only
базовая копия для разностного копированияdifferential base (The most recent full backup of all the data in a database or in a subset of the files or filegroups of a database)
двоичная разностная репликацияbinary delta replication (A Configuration Manager process that copies only the changed portions of a package or content file rather than the entire file when an update has been made. Rori)
двоичная разностная репликацияbinary delta replication (A Configuration Manager process that copies only the changed portions of a package or content file rather than the entire file when an update has been made)
многобазовый разностныйmultibase differential
полное разностное резервное копированиеfull differential backup (A backup of all files in the database, containing only changes made to the database since the most recent full backup. A full differential backup requires a full backup as a base)
разностная резервная копияdifferential backup (A backup containing only changes made to the database since the preceding data backup on which the differential backup is based)
разностная репликация данныхdelta replication (The copying of only the changed files in a Configuration Manager package when an update has been made to the package)
разностное резервное копирование файловfile differential backup
разностное сжатиеdelta compression (MasterK)
разностное сжатиеdifferential compression (ssn)
разностный виртуальный жёсткий дискdifferencing virtual hard disk (" A virtual hard disk that stores the changes or "differences" to an associated parent virtual hard disk for the purpose of keeping the parent intact. The differencing disk is a separate .vhd file that is associated with the .vhd file of the parent disk. Changes continue to accumulate in the differencing disk until it is merged to the parent disk.")
разностный кадрdelta frame
разностный файл инвентаризацииdelta inventory file (A file generated during inventory cycles that occur after the initial complete inventory, containing only hardware or software properties that were added, removed, or changed since the previous inventory cycle. Rori)
разностный файл инвентаризацииdelta inventory file (A file generated during inventory cycles that occur after the initial complete inventory, containing only hardware or software properties that were added, removed, or changed since the previous inventory cycle)
удалённое разностное сжатиеremote differential compression (ssn)
удалённое разностное сжатиеremote differential compression (A protocol that can be used to efficiently update files over a limited-bandwidth network. RDC detects insertions, removals, and re-arrangements of data in files)
цепочка разностных дисковdifferencing chain (A linked set of differencing drives, in which a differencing drive can have another differencing drive as a parent)
частичное разностное резервное копированиеpartial differential backup (A partial backup that is differential relative to a single, previous partial backup (the base backup). For a read-only database, a partial differential backup contains only the primary filegroup)