
Terms for subject Microsoft containing раздела | all forms | exact matches only
активный разделactive partition (A partition from which a computer starts up. The active partition must be a primary partition on a basic disk. If you use Windows exclusively, the active partition can be the same as the system volume)
дополнительный разделextended partition (A type of partition that you can create only on basic master boot record (MBR) disks. Extended partitions are useful if you want to create more than four volumes on a basic MBR disk. Unlike primary partitions, you do not format an extended partition with a file system and then assign a drive letter to it. Instead, you create one or more logical drives within the extended partition. After you create a logical drive, you format it and assign it a drive letter. An MBR disk can have up to four primary partitions or three primary partitions, one extended partition, and multiple logical drives)
загрузочный сектор разделаpartition boot sector
защищённый разделprotected partition (A partition on a shared computer whose state is made static by Windows Disk Protection)
макет разделаsection layout (A pre-defined layout that users can select for their InfoPath form sections. Options include single column, two-column, three-column, and four-column layouts)
метка разделаchapter point (An internal marker used to mark the beginning and the end of a chapter to help navigate DVDs or videos)
набор разделов справкиHelp Collection (A collection of help files about a particular topic)
основной разделprimary partition (A type of partition created on basic disks that can host an operating system and functions as though it were a physically separate disk)
предопределённый разделpredefined key (A key that represents one of the main divisions of the registry. Each predefined key is displayed in a separate Registry Editor window, with the key's name appearing in the window's title bar. For example, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT is a predefined key)
раздел 179Section 179 (A section of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service tax code that permits some property (fixed assets) to be expensed in the year it is purchased rather than depreciated over a number of years)
раздел дискаdisk partition (A section of space on a physical disk that functions as if it were a separate disk)
раздел записи действийaction recording section (A part of an action recording that is based on the steps that you mark as passed or failed in a test. Each time you mark the outcome of a test step, a new section of the action recording is created)
раздел индексаindex partition (A logical portion of the search index)
раздел конфигурации для службы ссылочных данныхconfiguration section for the reference data service (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
раздел подписейcaption section (The section on a grouped data access page that displays captions for columns of data. It appears immediately before the group header)
раздел подробностейDetail section (A report section used to contain the main body of a form or report. This section usually contains controls bound to the fields in the record source, but can also contain unbound controls, such as labels that identify a field's contents)
раздел презентацииpresentation section (A labeled group of consecutive slides that helps the user navigate and organize presentations)
раздел презентацииcustom show
раздел программного обеспеченияsoftware key (A system-generated, device-specific, registry subkey that contains information about the driver software associated with a device. Rori)
раздел реестраregistry key (An identifier for a record or group of records in the registry)
раздел ресурсовresource section (Alex_Odeychuk)
раздел событияevent partition (Windows 8 ssn)
Разделы справкиhow do (A page that presents a categorical view of select Help content that the user can browse. Depending on the edition, multiple How Do I pages might be available for use)
рекурсивный разделrecursive section (A control that contains other controls, can be inserted within itself, and is bound to nested reference fields. Rori)
родительский разделparent partition (The partition that manages the virtual machines)
Сделать доступными функции раздела книги учёта налогов.Enable sales tax book section functionality (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
системный раздел EFIExtensible Firmware Interface system partition (A small portion on a GUID partition table (GPT) disk that is formatted with the file allocation table (FAT) file system and contains the files necessary to start the computer and pass execution to an operating system which resides on another partition)
системный раздел EFIEFI system partition (A small portion on a GUID partition table (GPT) disk that is formatted with the file allocation table (FAT) file system and contains the files necessary to start the computer and pass execution to an operating system which resides on another partition)
скрытый разделhidden partition (A partition that is not visibly exposed to the user. To create a hidden partition, set the partition type to one not recognized by Windows)
сырой разделraw partition (ssn)
таблица разделов GPTGUID partition table (A disk-partitioning scheme that is used by the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI). GPT offers more advantages than master boot record (MBR) partitioning because it allows up to 128 partitions per disk, provides support for volumes up to 18 exabytes in size, allows primary and backup partition tables for redundancy, and supports unique disk and partition IDs (GUIDs))
элемент управления "Главный раздел"hub control (A control that developers use to create apps with hub-like navigation patterns when data is arranged in multiple ListViews)
элемент управления содержимым "Повторяющийся раздел"repeating section content control (​A content control that enables a user the repeat its contents as many times as the user wants to repeat it)
этот раздел служит для создания областей поиска и управления имиthis section enables you to create and manage search scopes. (Office System 2010)