
Terms for subject Proverb containing разбиться | all forms
заставь дурака богу молиться, он и лоб разобьётgentry sent to market will not buy one bushel of corn
заставь дурака богу молиться, он и лоб разобьётteach a fool to bow with grace and he would fall flat on his face
заставь дурака богу молиться, он и лоб разобьётsend a fool to the market and a fool he will return again (used of a person who is inclined to overdo what he has been asked to do. the saying is about those who, if they are compelled to pray, do it with such a zeal that they bang their foreheads against the ground)
кто разбил, тот и платитwho breaks, pays
научи дурака богу молиться, он и лоб разобьётgentry sent to market will not buy one bushel of corn
научи дурака богу молиться, он и лоб разобьётteach a fool to bow with grace and he would fall flat on his face
научи дурака богу молиться, он и лоб разобьётsend a fool to the market and a fool he will return again (used of a person who is inclined to overdo what he has been asked to do. the saying is about those who, if they are compelled to pray, do it with such a zeal that they bang their foreheads against the ground)
не разбив яиц, яичницу не приготовишьyou can't make an omelet without breaking eggs
не разбив яиц, яичницу не приготовишьyou cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs
не разбив яиц, яичницы не приготовишьmake an omelet without breaking eggs
пошли дурака богу молиться, он и лоб разобьётgentry sent to market will not buy one bushel of corn
пошли дурака богу молиться, он и лоб разобьётteach a fool to bow with grace and he would fall flat on his face
пошли дурака богу молиться, он и лоб разобьётsend a fool to the market and a fool he will return again (used of a person who is inclined to overdo what he has been asked to do. the saying is about those who, if they are compelled to pray, do it with such a zeal that they bang their foreheads against the ground)
разбить чьё-либо сердцеbreak someone's heart