
Terms for subject Microsoft containing рабочим | all forms | exact matches only
авторизация подключений к удалённым рабочим столамremote desktop connection authorization (ssn)
авторизация ресурсов удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop resource authorization (ssn)
агент узла виртуализации удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop virtualization host agent (ssn)
агент узла виртуализации удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop Virtualization Host Agent (A service that is running on any machine that has the RD Virtualization role service installed)
активность рабочего процессаworkflow activity (A unit of program behavior in Windows Workflow Foundation. Single activities can be composed together into more complex activities)
анимация хода выполнения рабочего элементаwork item progress animation (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
база данных рабочего столаdesktop database (Office System 2013 ssn)
базовый рабочий процессbasic workflow (Windows 8 ssn)
безопасный рабочий столsecure desktop (A desktop that is isolated from other processes running on the system. The secure desktop increases the security of the elevation prompt. Rori)
DLL-библиотека совместимости приложения служб удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop services application compatibility DLL (Windows 8.1 ssn)
блокировка рабочей книгиworkbook lock (ssn)
веб-доступ к удалённым рабочим столамremote desktop web access (ssn)
веб-подключение к удалённому рабочему столуremote desktop web connection (ssn)
веб-подключение к удалённому рабочему столуRemote Desktop Web Connection (A feature of Windows that when deployed on a Web server, allows a user to connect to remote desktop servers and other computers through a Web browser, even if the full Remote Desktop Connection client is not installed on the user's computer)
веб-сайт лицензирования служб удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop services licensing web site (ssn)
веб-сайт лицензирования служб удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop Services Licensing Web site (A secure Microsoft Web site that is designed to help you manage your Windows 2000 or later license server and for you to obtain Remote Desktop Services client access license tokens. All information collected at this site is used to help you manage your Remote Desktop Services resources)
веб-сайт рабочей областиworkspace site (A subsite based on the Document Workspace or Meeting Workspace site templates. Rori)
веб-сайт рабочей области для документовDocument Workspace site (A Web site based on the Document Workspace template that workspace members use for discussing, editing, and working together on a document. Rori)
веб-сайт рабочей области для собранийMeeting Workspace site (A Web site based on a Meeting Workspace site template that is used for planning, posting, and working together on meeting materials, and following up after a meeting or series of meetings)
веб-служба подключений к удалённым рабочим столам и приложениям RemoteAppRemoteApp and Desktop Connection Web service (A Web service that is installed as a part of RAD Web Access to help client computers keep in sync with workspaces)
версия базы данных рабочего столаdesktop database version (ssn)
визуализация рабочего процессаWorkflow Visualization (Project 2013 Rori)
визуализация рабочего столаDesktop imaging (buraks)
IP-виртуализация удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop IP virtualization (ssn)
виртуализация удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop virtualization (ssn)
IP-виртуализация удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop IP Virtualization (A feature of Remote Desktop Services that enables administrators to assign virtual IP addresses to specific programs running on the remote desktop server or to client sessions running on the remote desktop server)
виртуальный рабочий столvirtual desktop (A client operating system that is deployed by using a virtual machine to provide a self-contained operating environment that behaves as if it were a separate computer)
виртуальный рабочий стол с поддержкой RemoteFXRemoteFX-enabled virtual desktop (A virtual desktop on which RemoteFX can be run)
Включение рабочего процессаEnable workflow (System Center Service Manager 2012 ssn)
владелец рабочего процессаworkflow owner (Office System 2010 ssn)
Возможности рабочего столаDesktop Experience (windowsnotes.ru bojana)
войти в рабочую или учебную учётную записьsign in with your work or school account (A sign-in phrase to a work or school account. Rori)
Восстановление экземпляра рабочего процессаWorkflow Instance Recovery (A feature of the Workflow Management service (WMS) that monitors persistence stores for workflow service instances that should be running and restarts them)
восстановление экземпляра рабочего процессаworkflow instance recovery (ssn)
высокопривилегированный рабочий процессhigh-privilege workflow (Any workflow that either uses a tiered activity or contains a high privilege scope, regardless of the contents of that scope)
гаджет рабочего столаdesktop gadget (A gadget that users can display on their desktop, rather than on the Windows Sidebar. Examples are clocks, news headlines, slide shows, and weather forecasts. Rori)
глобальный рабочий потокglobal workflow (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
готовый к использованию в рабочей средеproduction-ready (Alex_Odeychuk)
группа рабочей нагрузкиworkload group (In Resource Governor, a container for session requests that are similar according to the classification rules that are applied to each request. A workload group allows the aggregate monitoring of resource consumption and a uniform policy that is applied to all the requests in a group)
группа серверов удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop server group (ssn)
группа серверов удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop server group (A group of two or more remote desktop servers that you can manage via Remote Desktop Server Manager)
декларативные конструкторы рабочих процессовdeclarative workflow designers (ssn)
декларативный конструктор рабочих процессовdeclarative workflow designer (ssn)
дерево рабочих элементовWork Item Tree (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
дескриптор окна рабочего столаa handle to the desktop window (Alex_Odeychuk)
диспетчер лицензирования удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop Licensing Manager (A Remote Desktop Services management tool for installing, issuing, and monitoring Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) on a Remote Desktop license server)
диспетчер лицензирования удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop licensing manager (ssn)
диспетчер лицензирования удалённых рабочих столовRD Licensing Manager (A Remote Desktop Services management tool for installing, issuing, and monitoring Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) on a Remote Desktop license server)
диспетчер окон рабочего столаDesktop Window Manager (A component of Windows Vista that manages window policies, behaviours and visual appearance)
диспетчер окон рабочего столаDWM (A component of Windows Vista that manages window policies, behaviours and visual appearance)
диспетчер рабочих областейworkspace manager (A window that lists all your workspaces along with status information)
диспетчер шлюза удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop gateway manager (ssn)
диспетчер шлюза удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop Gateway Manager (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) console on an RD Gateway server that administrators can use to configure Remote Desktop connection authorization policies (RD CAPs), Remote Desktop resource authorization policies (RD RAPs), and computer groups associated with RD RAPs. RD Gateway Manager also provides tools to help monitor RD Gateway connection status, health, and events)
диспетчер шлюза удалённых рабочих столовRD Gateway Manager (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) console on an RD Gateway server that administrators can use to configure Remote Desktop connection authorization policies (RD CAPs), Remote Desktop resource authorization policies (RD RAPs), and computer groups associated with RD RAPs. RD Gateway Manager also provides tools to help monitor RD Gateway connection status, health, and events)
Skype для рабочего стола WindowsSkype for Windows desktop (The Skype software application for Windows desktop. Rori)
RemoteFX для узла виртуализации удалённых рабочих столовRemoteFX for RD Virtualization Host (RemoteFX running on an RD Virtualization Host server)
RemoteFX для узла сеансов удалённых рабочих столовRemoteFX for RD Session Host (RemoteFX running on an RD Session Host server)
Добавить рабочий процессAdd workflow (Office System 2010 ssn)
Добавление рабочего процессаAdd a workflow (Office System 2010 ssn)
добавление рабочего процесса события инцидентаadd incident event workflow (System Center Service Manager 2012 ssn)
доступ к рабочему столуdesktop access (stachel)
журнал рабочего процессаworkflow history (Office System 2010 ssn)
журнал рабочих элементовwork item log (A log that lists the current notes you are typing and the uneditable historical conversation that has already been saved. Rori)
задача рабочего процессаworkflow task (An action or task in a sequence that is related to a built-in or user-defined business process)
задачи рабочего процессаworkflow tasks (Office System 2010 ssn)
Записки на рабочем столеInk Desktop (A program in the Microsoft Experience Pack for Tablet PC that you can use to write notes on your Tablet PC screen by using your tablet pen. Any notes you take are automatically saved and remain on your desktop until you delete them)
запрос рабочего элементаwork item query (A specialized SELECT statement containing a WHERE clause, and COLUMN and SORT BY elements. Work Item Query is modeled after SQL queries)
запустить рабочий процессstart workflow (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
защита рабочей станции WindowsWindows Client Protection (A strategy including components and features of Windows Vista that allows system administrators to manage the system from one place by combining antivirus and anti-spyware software)
защищённая рабочая группаsecurity-enabled workgroup (An Access workgroup in which users log on with a user name and password and in which access to database objects is restricted according to permissions granted to specific user accounts and groups)
значение рабочей зоныscratch space value (ssn)
идентификатор рабочего элементаwork item ID (The unique identifier of a work item in the database. Rori)
идентификатор рабочей группыworkgroup ID (A case-sensitive alphanumeric string that is 4 to 20 characters long and that you enter when creating a new workgroup information file by using the Workgroup Administrator. This uniquely identifies the Admin group for this workgroup file)
Изменение рабочего процессаModify Workflow (Office System 2010 ssn)
Изменение рабочего процессаChange Workflow (Office System 2010 ssn)
Изменение рабочего процессаEdit Workflow (Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 ssn)
Изменение рабочего процесса события инцидентаEdit Incident Event Workflow (System Center Service Manager 2012 ssn)
Изменить рабочий процессEdit a Workflow (Forefront Identity Manager 2010 ssn)
Изменить рабочий процессModify Workflow (Visual Studio Web Tooling 2012 ssn)
Импорт рабочего процессаImport Workflow (Forefront Identity Manager 2010 ssn)
имя рабочего процессаworkflow name (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
имя рабочей станцииworkstation name (Andy)
интерактивный рабочий столinteractive desktop (A Windows desktop session running with an interactive user's access token applied)
инфраструктура виртуальных рабочих столовVirtual Desktop Infrastructure (In Operating system virtualization, an alternative desktop delivery model from Microsoft that allows users to access desktops running in the datacenter)
инфраструктура виртуальных рабочих столовvirtual desktop infrastructure (ssn)
календарь рабочего времениworking time calendar (A calendar that defines the capacity and work time in a production system, for use in managing work centers or work center groups)
календарь рабочего времениworking time calendar
классическая рабочая областьClassic Workspace (An enhanced version of the original peer-to-peer workspace in Groove. It offers users a more familiar alternative to the newer SharePoint Workspace)
клиентская лицензия служб удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop services client access license (ssn)
клиентская лицензия служб удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop Services client access license (A license that is required for a user or a device to connect to a remote desktop server)
клиентская лицензия служб удалённых рабочих столовRDS CAL (A license that is required for a user or a device to connect to a remote desktop server)
клиентская лицензия служб удалённых рабочих столов "на пользователя"remote desktop services per user client access license (ssn)
клиентская лицензия служб удалённых рабочих столов "на пользователя"Remote Desktop Services Per User client access license (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one user to access remote desktop servers from an unlimited number of client computers or devices)
клиентская лицензия служб удалённых рабочих столов "на пользователя"RDS Per User CAL (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one user to access remote desktop servers from an unlimited number of client computers or devices)
клиентская лицензия служб удалённых рабочих столов "на устройство"Remote Desktop Services Per Device client access license (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one device (used by any user) to connect to a remote desktop server)
клиентская лицензия служб удалённых рабочих столов "на устройство"remote desktop services per device client access license (ssn)
клиентская лицензия служб удалённых рабочих столов "на устройство"RDS Per Device CAL (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one device (used by any user) to connect to a remote desktop server)
коллекция гаджетов рабочего столаDesktop Gadget Gallery (An organizer used to add, uninstall, and search for desktop gadgets. Rori)
композиция рабочего столаdesktop composition (A feature, introduced in Windows Vista, that enables individual windows to be drawn to off-screen surfaces in video memory instead of being drawn directly to the primary display device. Rori)
компонент Easy Print служб удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop Easy Print (ssn)
компонент Easy Print служб удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop Easy Print (A printer driver in Remote Desktop Services that simplifies the administration overhead to enable printing to supported clients. It enables users to reliably print from a RemoteApp program or from a remote desktop server desktop session to the correct printer on their client computer. It also enables users to have a much more consistent printing experience between local and remote sessions)
компьютер, включённый в рабочую группуworkgroup-joined computer (microsoft.com bojana)
компьютер, присоединённый к рабочей группеworkgroup-joined computer (microsoft.com bojana)
компьютер рабочей группыworkgroup-joined computer (microsoft.com bojana)
компьютеры, объединённые в рабочую группуworkgroup-joined computers (microsoft.com bojana)
конечная рабочая станцияdestination workstation (Andy)
консоль управления удалёнными рабочими столамиRD Management Console (A Server Manager component for Remote Desktop Services used to deploy, configure and manage RDS deployments)
конструктор рабочих процессовWorkflow Designer (A graphical tool used to create a workflow visually by representing actions and constraints as shapes that can be connected to form a complete schedule)
конструктор рабочих процессовworkflow designer (ssn)
конфигурация сервера удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop server configuration (ssn)
кэш рабочего процессаworkflow cache (Office System 2010 ssn)
лицензирование служб удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop services licensing (ssn)
лицензирование удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop licensing (ssn)
лицензирование удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop Licensing (A Remote Desktop Services role service that manages the Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs). RD Licensing installs, issues, and monitors the availability of RDS CALs on a Remote Desktop license server by using RD Licensing Manager)
лицензирование удалённых рабочих столовRD Licensing (A Remote Desktop Services role service that manages the Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs). RD Licensing installs, issues, and monitors the availability of RDS CALs on a Remote Desktop license server by using RD Licensing Manager)
личный виртуальный рабочий столpersonal virtual desktop (A virtual machine that is assigned to a specific user account in Active Directory Domain Services and made available to the user by using RemoteApp and Desktop Connection)
личный рабочий столpersonal desktop (A full desktop environment that is personalized for and "owned" by an individual user, as opposed to a shared desktop which does not carry much user personalization)
льготный период лицензирования удалённых рабочих столовRD Licensing grace period (The grace period during which you must purchase and install the appropriate number of RDS CALs for each device or user that needs to connect to a remote desktop server)
модуль "Рабочая область"Workplace module (The Microsoft CRM module that contains the work a user has been assigned, is currently working on, and is available in queues to which the user has access. Users can accept, assign, and delete assignments from here. Users can also access their calendars and the Knowledge Base)
на рабочий столpin to start (To add a shortcut to an application or part of an application or contact by fixing its tile to the Start screen. Rori)
название рабочего процессаworkflow name (Office System 2010 ssn)
настроенная рабочая зонаconfigured scratch space (ssn)
настроенная рабочая зона на системном томе среды предустановки Windowsconfigured scratch space on the Windows PE system volume (Windows 8.1 ssn)
настройка веб-доступа к удалённым рабочим столамremote desktop web access configuration (ssn)
настройка веб-доступа к удалённым рабочим столамRemote Desktop Web Access Configuration (In Remote Desktop Services, the site where you can configure the RD Web Access Web Part)
Настройка веб-доступа к удалённым рабочим столам и приложениям RemoteAppRemoteApp and Desktop Web Access Configuration (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
Настройка веб-доступа к удалённым рабочим столам и приложениям RemoteAppRAD Web Access Configuration (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
настройка рабочего столаdesktop customization (microsoft.com bojana)
настройка рабочих процессов событияconfigure event workflows (System Center Service Manager 2012 ssn)
настройка узла сеансов удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop session host configuration (ssn)
не удалось загрузить базу данных рабочего стола для тома "%1". Выполняется реконструкция базы данныхDesktop database for volume "%1" could not be loaded. Reconstructing the database (Windows Server 2003 SP1 ssn)
не удалось задать рабочую зонуthe scratch space could not be set (Windows 8.1)
не удалось обновить базу данных рабочего стола для тома "%1". Возможно, недостаточно места на дискеUnable to update the Desktop database for volume "%1". There may not be enough disk space (Windows Server 2003 SP1 ssn)
не удаётся продолжить выполнение задачи, так как рабочая очередь пула потоков заполненаUnable to continue task execution because thread pool work queue is full (Exchange Server 2016 ssn)
недопустимое значение рабочей зоныinvalid scratch space value (Windows 8 ssn)
Непредвиденная ошибка на сервере при сопоставлении с рабочим процессомUnexpected error on server associating the workflow (Office System 2010 Rori)
Обновление версии базы данных рабочего стола для тома "%1"Updating the Desktop database version for volume "%1" (Windows Server 2003 SP1 ssn)
обозреватель рабочей областиworkspace browser (A component of the shell of Dashboard Designer. It holds available KPIs, data sources, indicators, report views, scorecards, and dashboards for use in the workspace)
обработчик рабочего процессаworkflow engine (aki)
Общий доступ к рабочему столуRemote Desktop Sharing (harser)
объекты рабочего процессаworkflow objects (Office System 2010 ssn)
объём настроенной рабочей зоны системного тома среды предустановки Windowsconfigured amount of Windows PE system volume scratch space (Windows 8.1 ssn)
ограничение по свойствам рабочих центровlimited properties of work centers (A method for scheduling resources that considers limits to the type of work a work center can perform at a given time. Finite property specifies the type of products or operations to be carried out at the same time at a work center)
ожидание перехода в рабочей очередиtransition pending in work queue (Windows Vista ssn)
определение рабочего процессаworkflow definition (An XML or XOML file that contains the information that other programs require to instantiate and run the workflow. Optionally, any custom metadata the workflow requires to run)
оптимизация рабочих характеристикOptimize Performance (Project 2007 Rori)
Оснастка "Средство диагностики лицензирования удалённых рабочих столов"RD Licensing Diagnoser Snap-in (Windows 8 ssn)
Остановить рабочий процессStop Workflow (Office System 2010 ssn)
отклик рабочего процессаworkflow response (A reaction to a workflow event according to the workflow response options Rori)
отработка отказа рабочего процессаWorkflow Failover (Office System 2010 Rori)
оценка времени на обработку всех рабочих элементов в пуле потоковestimated time to process all work items in the thread pool (Lync Server 2013 ssn)
Ошибка инициализации рабочего процессаWorker process initialization failed. (IIS WebMatrix 1.0 Rori)
ошибка рабочего процессаworkflow error (Office System 2010 ssn)
пакет функций, способный обрабатывать большинство рабочих нагрузок сети доставки содержимогоfeature-inclusive content delivery network bundle (microsoft.com, microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
пакет функций, способный обрабатывать большинство рабочих нагрузок сети доставки содержимогоfeature-inclusive content delivery network bundle capable of handling most content delivery network workloads (microsoft.com, microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
панель инструментов рабочего столаaccess bar (A toolbar that docks to the desktop, similar to the taskbar)
параллельный рабочий процессparallel worker (ssn)
параметр рабочей зоныscratch space setting (Windows 8.1 ssn)
параметры совместимости приложений на сервере узла сеансов удалённых рабочих столовapplication compatibility settings on an RD session host server (Windows 7 ssn)
платформа рабочих процессовworkflow foundation (An extensible programming model and components that can be used to design and implement custom applications for common business processes, such as document approval. Components include version control, tracking, and reporting)
Поддержка рабочего процесса включенаWorkflow Enabled (InfoPath 2007 SP2 ssn)
подключение к удалённому рабочему столуRemote Desktop Connection (The client software that enables users to connect to a remote computer that has the Remote Desktop feature enabled or to a remote desktop server)
подключение к удалённому рабочему столуremote desktop connection (e.g., best practices call for remote desktop connections to require use of a virtual private network ssn)
подключение к удалённому рабочему столуRDC (The client software that enables users to connect to a remote computer that has the Remote Desktop feature enabled or to a remote desktop server)
подключения к удалённым рабочим столам и приложениям RemoteAppRemoteApp and Desktop Connection (A customized view of RemoteApp programs and virtual desktops that the administrator makes available to users that are using Windows 7 or RAD Web Access)
Позвонить с рабочегоCall via Work (A callback option whereby an outgoing call can be made by using the work number. The person who is receiving the call will see the work number of the caller, in their caller ID)
политика авторизации подключений к удалённым рабочим столамRemote Desktop connection authorization policy (A policy that allows the administrator to specify who can connect to an RD Gateway server. Administrators can also specify requirements that users must meet to connect to an RD Gateway server. Administrators can configure RD CAPs by using the Add Roles Wizard during installation of the RD Gateway role service, or by using RD Gateway Manager after installation)
политика авторизации подключений к удалённым рабочим столамremote desktop connection authorization policy (ssn)
политика авторизации подключений к удалённым рабочим столамRD CAP (A policy that allows the administrator to specify who can connect to an RD Gateway server. Administrators can also specify requirements that users must meet to connect to an RD Gateway server. Administrators can configure RD CAPs by using the Add Roles Wizard during installation of the RD Gateway role service, or by using RD Gateway Manager after installation)
политика авторизации ресурсов удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop resource authorization policy (A policy that allows an administrator to specify the network resources that users can connect to through an RD Gateway server. Administrators can configure RD RAPs by using the Add Roles Wizard during installation of the RD Gateway role service, or by using RD Gateway Manager after installation)
политика авторизации ресурсов удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop resource authorization policy (ssn)
политика авторизации ресурсов удалённых рабочих столовRD RAP (A policy that allows an administrator to specify the network resources that users can connect to through an RD Gateway server. Administrators can configure RD RAPs by using the Add Roles Wizard during installation of the RD Gateway role service, or by using RD Gateway Manager after installation)
пользовательский рабочий процессhuman workflow (ssn)
пользовательский рабочий элементuser work item (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
посредник подключений к удалённому рабочему столуremote desktop connection broker (ssn)
посредник подключений к удалённому рабочему столуRD connection broker (RD – remote desktop microsoft.com bojana)
посредник подключений к удалённому рабочему столуRemote Desktop Connection Broker (A Remote Desktop Services role service that enables a user to load balance sessions in a remote desktop server farm. Additionally, RD Connection Broker enables a user to reconnect to an existing session in a load-balanced remote desktop server farm)
посредник подключений к удалённому рабочему столу, RDCBRD Connection Broker (A Remote Desktop Services role service that enables a user to load balance sessions in a remote desktop server farm. Additionally, RD Connection Broker enables a user to reconnect to an existing session in a load-balanced remote desktop server farm)
представление формы рабочего элементаWork Item Form view (The Visual Studio document window that shows the full form of a work item instance. You can open many work item forms as documents in Visual Studio)
приложение рабочего процессаworkflow application (A set of programs that aids in the tracking and management of all the activities in a project from start to finish. Rori)
проводник по рабочим областямworkspace explorer (The main window where users do most Groove activities, such as collaborating in workspaces)
программа расширения апгрейда до рабочей версииbusiness ready enhancement plan (Vadim Rouminsky)
Просмотр рабочего процессаView Workflow (Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 ssn)
протокол удалённого рабочего столаRDP
протокол удалённого рабочего столаRemote Desktop Protocol
протокол удалённого рабочего столаRemote Desktop Protocol (A proprietary protocol to provide remote display and input capabilities over network connections for Windows®-based applications between two computers)
протокол удалённого рабочего стола, RDPRDP (A proprietary protocol to provide remote display and input capabilities over network connections for Windows®-based applications between two computers)
профиль удалённого рабочего столаremote desktop profile (ssn)
профиль удалённого рабочего столаRemote Desktop profile (A user profile that is specifically created for remote desktop server sessions)
пул виртуальных рабочих столовvirtual desktop pool (A group of one or more identically configured virtual machines. Users can connect to any virtual machine in the pool by using RemoteApp and Desktop Connection. Because the virtual machines are identically configured, users will receive the same virtual desktop regardless of which virtual machine they connect to. Only one user can use a given virtual machine at a time, but the user is not assigned to a particular virtual machine)
пустая база данных рабочего столаblank desktop database (Office System 2013 ssn)
рабочая база данныхoperational database (A SQL Server 2008 database, by default named OperationsManager, which stores configuration data, operations data, and security data)
рабочая база данныхbusiness database (The repository for all Business Contact Manager for Outlook data)
Рабочая группа по интересуpursuit team (People who are members of the group that is assigned to follow up on a particular lead)
рабочая группа по интересуpursuit team (ssn)
рабочая зонаscratch space (Windows 8 ssn)
рабочая зона образа среды предустановки Windowsscratch space of the Windows PE image (Windows 8 ssn)
рабочая зона системного тома среды предустановки WindowsWindows PE system volume scratch space (ssn)
рабочая или учебная учётная записьwork or school account (Rori)
рабочая книгаworkbook (One matrix, or a collection of matrixes, that use a single model site as a data source)
рабочая копияworking copy (The copy of a file that is currently being modified)
рабочая нагрузкаworkload (Composition of often related [server] roles that run together on a single server or set of related servers. Each workload corresponds to an overall business/product area. Network is an example of a workload. While small or medium businesses might run an entire workload on a single machine, this would be unusual for a large enterprise. Workloads are often managed by the same group within IT, and a large business might have a separate operations team and purchasing decision maker for each workload)
рабочая нагрузка сети доставки содержимогоcontent delivery network workload (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
рабочая областьworkspace (A user interface area in which users perform most tasks)
рабочая областьwork pane (In Exchange 2007, the bottom middle pane of the Exchange Management Console. The work pane provides detailed information about the specified Exchange server)
рабочая областьWorkplace (The page where users find cases and activities that are assigned to them. Users can accept, assign, and delete assignments from here. They can also check the public lists of activities and cases and accept those as well)
рабочая область анимацииanimation workspace (A user interface area where animations are composed)
рабочая область бизнес-данных для совместной работыBusiness Data Collaboration Workspace (The Collaborate On site that is bound to a BCS external content type)
рабочая область бизнес-правилBusiness Rules workspace (In PerformancePoint Planning Business Modeler, a user interface area that allows you to create and manage business rule sets, business rules, and model properties)
рабочая область бизнес-процессовBusiness Process Workspace (An interface that enables business managers to track and manage all the business processes from STS)
рабочая область задачtask workspace (A workspace used to store tasks and also to provide end-user collaboration for them. A Task Workspace Locator List is required to locate the appropriate workspace for a particular task type)
рабочая область измеренийDimensions workspace (In PerformancePoint Planning Business Modeler, a user interface area that displays a summary of a specific dimension)
рабочая область конструированияdesign workspace (A user interface area where general authoring tasks are performed)
рабочая область конструированияdesign surface (The main area of the Macro Designer where macro actions are placed to be made into a macro)
рабочая область "Лицензии"Licenses workspace (A workspace in Windows Intune and Asset Inventory Service that lets administrators add and manage license agreement information for software that was purchased through Microsoft Volume Licensing agreements, and for Microsoft or non-Microsoft software that was purchased by other means)
рабочая область метаданныхmetadata workspace (A class that represents the metadata runtime service component that provides support for retrieving metadata)
рабочая область "Обновления"Updates workspace (A workspace in Windows Intune that allows you to manage software updates)
рабочая очередь сервераserver work queue (Windows 7 ssn)
рабочая папкаworking folder (The folder in which your documents appear when you open or save them. If you select another folder when opening or saving, that folder becomes the working folder. You can set the startup location of this folder in most applications)
рабочая папкаworking directory (The directory in which Web server software is installed)
рабочая рольworker role (A cloud service role that provides a general-purpose environment for running application workloads. Typically, background processing for web applications running on web roles can be offloaded to instances of the worker role)
рабочая средаproduction environment (stachel)
рабочая учётная записьwork account (Rori)
рабочее местоseat (An individual device subscription license that is required for each computer that accesses the service)
рабочее пространствоworkspace (A collection of computing resources such as programs and virtual desktops that enable a user to accomplish a set of related tasks)
рабочие местаseats (Actual number of users, not the number of e-mail addresses or domains in an organization)
рабочие папкиWork Folders (The enterprise-oriented feature which enables organizations to provide their users with access to data and documents stored on their corporate computers from anywhere. Rori)
рабочие процессы в бизнес-приложенияхworkflow in LOB applications (ssn)
рабочие процессы в бизнес-приложенияхworkflow in line-of-business applications (ssn)
рабочие процессы событияevent workflows (ssn)
рабочий бизнес-процессoperational workflow (A workflow that is synchronous and starts immediately)
рабочий веб-серверproduction Web server (A Web server that hosts a live web site. A production Web server can be browsed by an Internet or intranet audience)
рабочий наборworking set (The set of pages in the virtual address space of the process that are currently resident in physical memory)
рабочий потокworkstream (An activity that is composed of other activities. Workstreams are the simple building blocks of the process. They may be assigned to single or multiple roles)
рабочий процессworkflow (A sequence of activities, actions, or tasks through which documents or items are passed as part of an automated business process)
рабочий процесс VisioVisio workflow (Office System 2010 ssn)
рабочий процессworker (ssn)
рабочий процесс HWSHWS workflow (ssn)
рабочий процесс виртуальной машиныVirtual Machine Worker Process (Windows 8 Rori)
рабочий процесс конечного автоматаstate machine workflow (A workflow that is modeled in an event-driven manner as a state machine. Rori)
рабочий процесс сайтаsite workflow (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
рабочий процесс, связанный с документооборотомdocument-centric workflow (ssn)
рабочий процесс служб документооборотаHuman Workflow Services workflow (Any action, activity flow, or activity model that performs a process for an actor)
рабочий процесс служб документооборотаhuman workflow services workflow (ssn)
рабочий процесс события инцидентаincident event workflow (ssn)
рабочий процесс спискаlist workflow (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
рабочий процесс управления системамиworkflow for systems management (ssn)
рабочий процесс, управляемый бизнес-правиламиbusiness-rule-driven workflow (ssn)
рабочий сайт группыgroup work site (A team site template that provides group collaboration capabilities based on standard business practices. Integrated functions include a group calendar, Whereabouts, Announcements, Phone Call Memo, and Schedule and Reservations. Rori)
Рабочий столStart (The Home screen of an unlocked Windows Phone)
Рабочий столStart screen (The Home screen of an unlocked Windows Phone)
рабочий стол Active DesktopActive Desktop (One of the two components installed with Windows Desktop Update. Active Desktop allows users to add active content, such as a stock ticker, to their desktop, taskbar, or folders. Users can also single-click files to run and open them. Active Desktop can be disabled in the Internet Explorer Administration Kit, even if Windows Desktop Update is installed)
рабочий стол агентаAgent Desktop (The compiled version of the Unified Service Desk that represents the agent’s workspace from which they perform their job functions. Rori)
рабочий телефонBusiness Phone (The field where the telephone number for a business can be entered)
Рабочий телефонWork Phone (A button in the Options dialog box, on the Phones tab, that users click to enter their work phone number. The Work Phone button is disabled if the work phone number has been supplied through the corporate directory)
рабочий телефонWork Phone
рабочий факсwork fax (An Outlook contact's professional fax number)
рабочий центрwork center (A self-contained unit of the manufacturing process, or an entire plant)
рабочий элементwork item (A user-defined object with unique fields, forms, and rules. Work items can be queried across the database)
API рабочих веб-процессовweb worker API (The API that defines a way to run scripts in the background. Web Workers are specified in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)'s Web Workers specification)
развёртывание рабочих столовdesktop deployment (ssn)
развёртывание рабочих столов на основе виртуальных машинvirtual machine-based desktop deployment (A deployment that allows users to run multiple client operating systems on a single server hosted on Hyper-V)
развёртывание рабочих столов на основе сеансовsession-based desktop deployment (A session-based deployment that allows users to connect to collections that include published RemoteApp programs and session-based desktops)
развёртывание служб удалённых рабочих столов на основе сеансовremote desktop services session-based desktop deployment (ssn)
развёртывание служб удалённых рабочих столов на основе сеансовRemote Desktop Services session-based desktop deployment (A session-based deployment that allows users to connect to collections that include published RemoteApp programs and session-based desktops)
размер рабочей очередиwork queue size (Windows 7 ssn)
размещение рабочего процессаworkflow hosting (Windows 8 Rori)
Разрешить взаимодействие с рабочим столомAllow service to interact with the desktop (Windows 8 Rori)
расширение "Сервер удалённых рабочих столов"Remote Desktop Server Extension (ssn)
расширение "Сервер удалённых рабочих столов"Remote Desktop Server Extension (A Windows Server feature that adds Remote Desktop Services-specific tabs to the Properties sheet of a user account)
расширение средства диагностики лицензирования удалённых рабочих столовRD licensing diagnoser extension (Windows 8 ssn)
расширенный рабочий столextended desktop (A computer desktop area that extends across all displays that are connected to a computer)
редактор рабочих процессовworkflow editor (Office System 2010 ssn)
режим лицензирования удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop licensing mode (ssn)
режим лицензирования удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop licensing mode (A mode that determines the type of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that a remote desktop server will request from a license server on behalf of a client that is connecting to the remote desktop server)
ресурс удалённого рабочего столаremote desktop resource (ssn)
родительский рабочий процессparent workflow (A workflow that starts a child workflow. The child workflow communicates its outcome back to the parent workflow)
руководитель рабочей группыworkgroup manager (The person who creates and maintains the project schedule and uses workgroup messages to assign tasks to the workgroup members; also uses the workgroup features to update tasks in the project as members reply. Rori)
сайт рабочего процессаworkflow site (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
сведения средства диагностики лицензирования удалённых рабочих столовRD licensing diagnoser information (Windows 8 ssn)
сеансовые рабочие столыsession-based desktop (microsoft.com bojana)
сервер лицензирования удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop license server (ssn)
сервер лицензирования удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop license server (A computer on which the RD Licensing role service is installed. A license server issues RDS CALs to users or devices that connect to a remote desktop server)
сервер удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop server (ssn)
сервер узла сеансов удалённых рабочих столовRD session host server (ssn)
сервер узла сеансов удалённых рабочих столовRD Session Host server (A server running the RD Session Host role service that hosts Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop for Remote Desktop Services clients)
сервер узла сеансов удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop session host server (ssn)
сервер узла сеансов удалённых рабочих столов, работающий в режиме перенаправленияRD session host server running in redirection mode (ssn)
сервер узла сеансов удалённых рабочих столов, работающий в режиме перенаправленияRD Session Host server running in redirection mode (An RD Session Host server running in redirection mode)
сервер шлюза удалённых рабочих столовRD Gateway server (A server on which the Remote Desktop Gateway role service is installed. Users connect to network resources on an internal corporate or private network through an RD Gateway server)
сервер шлюза удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop gateway server (ssn)
сервер шлюза удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop Gateway server (A server on which the Remote Desktop Gateway role service is installed. Users connect to network resources on an internal corporate or private network through an RD Gateway server)
системный рабочий процессsystem workflow (ssn)
служба личных виртуальных рабочих столовpersonal virtual desktop service (ssn)
служба личных виртуальных рабочих столовPersonal Virtual Desktop service (A service that allows users to connect to their own, personally assigned virtual desktops)
Служба рабочих процессовworkflow service (A WCF service that is implemented as a workflow. The workflow contains messaging activities that send and receive WCF messages)
служба рабочих процессовworkflow service (ssn)
служба удалённого рабочего столаremote desktop service (ssn)
Служба управления рабочими процессамиWMS (A Windows service that manages the execution of instance control commands, the recovery of workflow service hosts, and the resumption of instances in the event of expired timers)
Служба управления рабочими процессамиWorkflow Management service (A Windows service that manages the execution of instance control commands, the recovery of workflow service hosts, and the resumption of instances in the event of expired timers)
служба управления рабочими процессамиworkflow management service (ssn)
службы, связанные с рабочим процессомworkflow services (Alex_Odeychuk)
службы удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop services (ssn)
службы удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop Services (A server role that provides multi-user access to applications and desktops for non-admin purposes; provides technologies that enable users to access Windows-based programs that are installed on a remote desktop server, or to access the Windows desktop itself, from almost any computing device)
совместимость приложения служб удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop services application compatibility (ssn)
совместный доступ к рабочему столуdesktop sharing (A feature that allows a user to display his or her desktop to a meeting or to conversation participants. Rori)
совместный доступ к рабочему столуdesktop sharing (A feature that allows a user to display his or her desktop to a meeting or to conversation participants)
Создание визуализации рабочего процессаGenerating workflow visualization (Office System 2010 Rori)
Создать рабочий процессCreate Workflow (Forefront Identity Manager 2010 ssn)
сообщение об отсутствии на рабочем местеOut of Office message (The auto-reply text specified using Outlook's Automatic Replies or Out of Office Assistant)
состояние рабочего процессаworkflow status (Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 ssn)
состояние рабочего процессаworkflow state (Office System 2010 ssn)
список задач рабочего процессаworkflow task list (A list that stores the sequence of actions or tasks for a business process. Rori)
список поиска рабочей области задачtask workspace locator list (ssn)
справедливое распределение ресурсов сети для служб удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop services network fair share (ssn)
справедливое распределение ресурсов сети для служб удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop Services Network Fair Share (A feature that dynamically distributes available bandwidth across sessions based on the number of active sessions to enable equal bandwidth utilization)
средства диагностики лицензирования удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop licensing diagnoser tools (Windows 8 ssn)
средство диагностики лицензирования удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop licensing diagnoser (ssn)
средство диагностики лицензирования удалённых рабочих столовRD licensing diagnoser (Windows 8 ssn)
средство диагностики лицензирования удалённых рабочих столовRD Licensing Diagnoser (A management tool that provides information to help identify possible licensing problems for the Remote Desktop Session Host server)
средство диагностики лицензирования удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop Licensing Diagnoser (A management tool that provides information to help identify possible licensing problems for the Remote Desktop Session Host server)
Средство диагностики лицензирования удалённых рабочих столов не выявило никаких проблемRD Licensing Diagnoser did not identify any problems to report (Windows 8 ssn)
средство опроса серверов удалённых рабочих столовquery remote desktop server utility (ssn)
средство опроса серверов удалённых рабочих столовQuery Remote Desktop Server Utility (A utility that identifies remote desktop servers on the network)
средство просмотра для рабочего столаDesktop Viewer (A viewer that displays generated reports and lets users add comments to a report, create charts or graphs from report data, view various levels of a financial report, and export the report to other file types. Rori)
Ссылка на действие запроса рабочего элементаWork Item Query Action Link (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
стадия рабочего процессаworkflow stage (A defined point in a workflow that is entered when specified conditions are met)
схема управления электропитанием в рабочее времяpeak power plan (A Configuration Manager power plan that you can configure with power settings that are applied during the peak hours or business hours that you specify)
сценарии управления рабочей нагрузкой регулятора ресурсовresource governor workload management scenarios (ssn)
текущая длина рабочей очереди сервераcurrent length of the server work queue (Windows 7 ssn)
текущая длина рабочей очереди сервера для данного процессораcurrent length of the server work queue for this CPU (Windows 7 ssn)
текущая рабочая областьCurrent Workspace (Andy)
текущая рабочая станцияcurrent workstation (Andy)
текущий параметр рабочей зоныcurrent scratch space setting (Windows 8.1 ssn)
тема рабочего столаdesktop theme (A collection of visual elements and sounds for your computer desktop or device User Interface. A theme determines the look of the various visual elements of your User Interface, such as windows, icons, fonts, and colors, and it can include sounds. Rori)
тестовый режим / рабочий режимTest Mode/Live Mode (The modes on the Accounts page for a custom spam filter policy rule to run in. A rule can be run in test mode to monitor what would happen if rule were deployed, or in live mode, where the rule is actually deployed)
тип рабочего процессаworkflow type (Visual Studio 2010, SQL Server 2012 ssn)
тип рабочего элементаwork item type (A named definition associated with a project in a Team Foundation Server. Types are composed of fields, a form and work flow. They are defined using XML. Definitions are portable between Team Foundation Servers)
Удаление рабочего процессаDelete Workflow (Forefront Identity Manager 2010 ssn)
удалённое рабочее пространствоremote workspace (ssn)
удалённые рабочие столыremote desktops (ssn)
удалённые рабочие столыRemote Desktops (A snap-in that allows users to manage Remote Desktop connections to remote desktop servers and computers that are running Windows Server)
Удалённые рабочие столы и приложенияRemote App and Desktop Connections (microsoft.com bojana)
удалённый рабочий столRD (ssn)
удалённый рабочий столRemote Desktop (A Windows feature that allows users to connect remotely to a computer and access programs, files, and network resources as though they were sitting at the computer)
узел виртуализации удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop virtualization host (ssn)
узел виртуализации удалённых рабочих столовRD virtualization host (ssn)
узел виртуализации удалённых рабочих столовRD Virtualization Host (A Remote Desktop Services role service that hosts the virtual machines that are made available to users by using RemoteApp and Desktop Connection)
узел виртуализации удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop Virtualization Host (A Windows server that is running Microsoft Hyper-V Server)
узел выполнения рабочих процессовworkflow host (The server component that deals with the execution of workflows)
узел сеансов удалённых рабочих столовRD Session Host (A Remote Desktop Services role service that enables a computer that is running Windows Server to host Windows-based programs or the full Windows desktop)
узел сеансов удалённых рабочих столовRD session host (ssn)
узел сеансов удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop session host (ssn)
узел службы рабочих процессовworkflow service host (A component that is responsible for running all workflows, orchestrating, and dispatching them)
управление подключениями к удалённым рабочим столам и приложениям RemoteAppRemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management (A Windows Server role service for Remote Desktop Services (i.e. a RD subrole) that houses the assignment, connection handling, and execution designation policy, thus defining the contents and availability of a remote workspace)
управление рабочей нагрузкой регулятора ресурсовresource governor workload management (ssn)
управление рабочими процессамиworkflow management (A feature area of ILM 2 that deals with designing workflows, executing them and managing them. Workflow management consists of the Workflow Designer, request management and the workflow host)
Управление разрешениями подключений к удалённому рабочему столуRemote Desktop connection permission management. (Windows Server 2003 SP1 Rori)
управляемая шлюзом удалённых рабочих столов группа компьютеровRD Gateway-managed computer group (A list of network resources (computers) on an internal corporate or private network that users can access through an RD Gateway server. You can configure RD Gateway-managed computer groups by using RD Gateway Manager after installation of the RD Gateway role service)
устойчивый рабочий процессdurable workflow (A workflow whose state can be persisted to a storage medium to withstand system failures and to release memory, which improves the scalability of workflow execution)
учёт рабочего времени, отпусков и отгуловLeave Management (The Duet end-user application that allows users to self-manage their absence or availability for payroll purposes. Users can create and manage leave requests in Microsoft Office Outlook in the form of Calendar items, which are integrated with approval guidelines and business-defined processes defined in SAP systems. Rori)
учёт рабочего времени, отпусков и отгуловLeave Management (The Duet end-user application that allows users to self-manage their absence or availability for payroll purposes. Users can create and manage leave requests in Microsoft Office Outlook in the form of Calendar items, which are integrated with approval guidelines and business-defined processes defined in SAP systems)
учётная запись рабочего процесса RFIDRFID Worker Process account (The Windows account whose identity is used to run worker processes that in turn execute event handlers and providers. This is applicable for Windows Server 2003 only)
файл рабочей областиworkspace file (A file that saves display information about open workbooks, so that you can later resume work with the same window sizes, print areas, screen magnification, and display settings)
файл сведений рабочей группыworkgroup information file (A file that Access reads at startup that contains information about the users in a workgroup. This information includes users' account names, their passwords, and the groups of which they are members)
файлы рабочего процессаworkflow files (System Center Service Manager 2012 ssn)
ферма серверов удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop server farm (ssn)
ферма серверов шлюзов удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop gateway server farm (ssn)
ферма серверов шлюзов удалённых рабочих столовRD Gateway server farm (A group of RD Gateway servers that have been configured to function correctly using a load balancing solution that is in place)
фон рабочего столаdesktop wallpaper (VLZ_58)
фон рабочего столаStart background (A photo you can choose to use as the background for some Live Tiles on the Start screen. Rori)
фон рабочего столаdesktop background (In a graphical user interface such as Windows, a pattern or picture in the screen background that can be chosen by the user)
форма рабочего процессаworkflow form (Office System 2010 ssn)
формы рабочих процессовworkflow forms (Office System 2010 ssn)
ценообразование рынка рабочих местjob market pricing (A method of determining compensation by comparing individual jobs to market benchmark data for similar jobs in order to identify a value-relative basis. With this method, a specific pay range is associated with an individual job, but not with a compensation level (grade or band). Job market pricing is a feature of broad-banding compensation structures, but not of grades or steps. Rori)
шаблон виртуального рабочего столаvirtual desktop template (A virtual machine that is configured as a template in a virtual desktop collection and is used to create new virtual desktops in that collection)
шаблон для рабочей группыWorkgroup Template (A template stored on a network location where it can be accessed and shared by multiple users)
шаг рабочего процессаworkflow step (ssn)
шаги рабочего процессаworkflow steps (Office System 2010 ssn)
шлюз удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop gateway (ssn)
шлюз удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop Gateway (A role service that enables authorized remote users to connect to resources on an internal corporate or private network, from any Internet-connected device. RD Gateway uses Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) over HTTPS to help form a secure, encrypted connection between remote users on the Internet and the remote computers on which their productivity applications run)
шлюз удалённых рабочих столовRD Gateway (A role service that enables authorized remote users to connect to resources on an internal corporate or private network, from any Internet-connected device. RD Gateway uses Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) over HTTPS to help form a secure, encrypted connection between remote users on the Internet and the remote computers on which their productivity applications run)
экземпляр рабочего процессаworkflow instance (A running instance of a workflow definition, when a request is made)
этап рабочего процессаworkflow phase (Office System 2010 ssn)
язык запросов рабочих элементовWork Item Query Language (A loose variant of SQL that describes a query in the Work Item Tracking subsystem of Team Foundation Server using a syntax that contains SELECT, WHERE, COLUMN and SORT clauses. Query View is the user interface for defining work item queries. Rori)
языковой пакет для рабочего столаDesktop Language Pack (A free add-on that users can use to switch the language that's displayed in the Visual Studio user interface Rori)
ярлык на рабочем столеdesktop shortcut (Andy)