
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing работать | all forms | exact matches only
вы мне мешаете работатьyou are hindering my work
не переставать работать усердноKeep your nose to the grindstone (Interex)
неустанно работатьbe hard at work (on something: "The minister and I have been hard at work on this," Mayor Robertson told a news conference yesterday at city hall. • Spotted this Northern Flicker hard at work in sunny Vancouver! twitter.com ART Vancouver)
постоянно работать надin an ongoing effort (требует замены конструкции, но точно отображает смысл: As the years passed, PMEL researchers continued to deploy hydrophones ever closer to Antarctica in an ongoing effort to study the sounds of sea floor volcanoes and earthquakes. -- занимаясь непрерывной / постоянной работой по изучению акустики океана noaa.gov ART Vancouver)
продолжать работать усердноKeep your nose to the grindstone (Interex)
работать на заводе, фабрике, лесопилке и т.п.work a blue-collar job (Grew up in a relatively small house by today's standards. My dad worked a blue-collar job. Mom stayed home and ran the household. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
работать на производствеwork a blue-collar job (а также по любой рабочей специальности: Grew up in a relatively small house by today's standards. My dad worked a blue-collar job. Mom stayed home and ran the household. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
работать на промышленном предприятииwork a blue-collar job (а также по любой рабочей специальности: Grew up in a relatively small house by today's standards. My dad worked a blue-collar job. Mom stayed home and ran the household. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
работать от звонка до звонкаwork bell to bell (Халеев)
упорно работатьwork hard (The staff work hard to make sure everything runs smoothly. – чтобы всё прошло гладко ART Vancouver)
целенаправленно работатьmake a conscious effort (He also talked about the distinctive stylistic unity in the records he has produced, calling the sound "clean and tidy," and how his work with Linda Ronstadt changed the direction of her career. "I made a conscious effort to focus on the brilliance of her voice and her singing," he recounted. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)