
Terms for subject Military lingo containing работает | all forms
работать поblast away at (3 B1 Centauro tank destroyers moved up the road towards the city and began blasting away at enemy tanks stationed at the cities entrances, while Strykers came up from behind and deployed troops out into the field, and began heading into the combat zone. 4uzhoj)
работать поwork over (какой-либо цели – об артиллерии, авиации; в знач. "подвергать обстрелу или бомбардировке": Fifth Air Force B26s and P-400s continue raiding Japanese airfields at Buna, while P-40s work over enemy positions at Milne Bay. 4uzhoj)
работать поhammer (While I was still telling Untersturmführer Erwin Stier about Werner Richter's bleak forebodings, and shells were hammering our positions without pause, the MG gunner 1 of the Richter Gruppe rushed into the command post. • It was very dark that night, the barrage of fire from the Germans was hammering our positions. • The Red artillery has been hammering our positions with calibers of all sizes for hours now.)