
Terms containing психический процесс | all forms | in specified order only
med.внешнее выражение подсознательных психических процессовacting-out
psychother.восприятие психических процессов в понятиях патологииpathological fallacy
psychol.высшие психические процессыhigher mental processes
med.высший психический процессhigher mental process
gen.гипотеза латерализации психических процессовlateral specialization hypothesis (алешаBG)
psychol.зрелость основных психических процессовpsychological maturity
med.изучение временных характеристик психических процессовmental chronometry
avia., med.количественные методы оценки психических процессовmental measurements
psychol.навыки осознания своих психических процессовmetacognitive skills (Metacognition refers to thinking about thinking, or the ability to become aware and conscious of our mental processes. It involves knowledge about the self and the world (person), as well as the nature of what we are trying to accomplish (task) and how we will accomplish it (strategy). Metacognition plays an important role (link is external) in most aspects of learning, including foreign language learning. For instance, learners with developed metacognitive skills are aware of their learning processes and are thus better able to regulate their learning. They learn more effectively by devising and implementing strategies (e.g. memorization) that are best suited for their tasks (e.g. learning new phrases and words) and learning goals (e.g. improve listening comprehension). This, in turn, positively influences not only learning outcomes and test performances, but also the learner’s motivation. Foreign language learners can develop their metacognitive skills by adapting a mentally active attitude towards the process of language learning. In other words, effective language learners not only rely on a variety of learning strategies such as repetitions, memorizations, listening comprehension, grammar drills, communication, but also monitor language comprehension and production, make use of prior linguistic and general knowledge, and ask questions for clarification. Alex_Odeychuk)
psychol.осознавать свои психические процессыbecome aware of your own thinking processes (Alex_Odeychuk)
psychol.осознание своих психических процессовmetacognition (Metacognition refers to thinking about thinking, or the ability to become aware and conscious of our mental processes. It involves knowledge about the self and the world (person), as well as the nature of what we are trying to accomplish (task) and how we will accomplish it (strategy). Metacognition plays an important role (link is external) in most aspects of learning, including foreign language learning. For instance, learners with developed metacognitive skills are aware of their learning processes and are thus better able to regulate their learning. They learn more effectively by devising and implementing strategies (e.g. memorization) that are best suited for their tasks (e.g. learning new phrases and words) and learning goals (e.g. improve listening comprehension). This, in turn, positively influences not only learning outcomes and test performances, but also the learner’s motivation. Alex_Odeychuk)
psychiat.прибор для измерения скорости психических процессовpsychodometer
avia.процесс формирования психического образаideation activity
psychol.психические процессыthinking processes (Alex_Odeychuk)
ed.психический процессpsychical process
psychol.психический процессpsychical processes
avia., med.психический процессmental process
ed.психический процессpsychic process
lawсвидетель, дающий показания о психическом состоянии стороны в процессеpsychiatric witness
lawсвидетельское показание о психическом состоянии стороны в процессеpsychiatric witness
med.темп психических процессовtempo of mental processes
psychol.функции регуляции, программирования и контроля психических процессовexecutive functions (Maxxicum)