
Terms for subject Microsoft containing пропущенный | all forms
вопрос типа "вставить пропущенное"fill in the blank question (A type of question (for example, in a poll, survey or test) where the user must enter a response in the blank space or spaces provided)
не пропустите это событиеdon't miss the event (Publisher 2007)
пропустить границу на разрыве страницыOmit border on page break (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
Пропустить задачуSkip task (Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard ssn)
пропущенная беседаmissed conversation (An incoming conversation that was not acknowledged by the user. Missed conversation notifications are saved and reported to the user)
пропущенное событиеmissing event (An event that was supposed to occur within a specified time interval, but did not occur)
пропущенные дниDays Neglected (A field in the Neglected Cases, Neglected Leads, and Neglected Accounts reports in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM user interface. The Days Neglected field is calculated from the number of days that the case, lead, or account has not received any type of activity)
уведомление о пропущенном вызовеmissed call notification
уведомление о пропущенном звонкеmissed call notification (An e-mail message that is sent to a Unified Messaging subscriber that indicates that someone called but did not leave a message)