
Terms for subject General containing производственная практика | all forms | in specified order only
курс, сочетающий занятия в учебном заведении с производственной практикой на предприятииsandwich course (Johnny Bravo)
надлежащая производственная практикаgood professional practice (agrabo)
Надлежащая производственная практикаGood Industrial Practices (Bursa_Pastoris)
научно-производственная практикаIndustrial R&D Internship (4uzhoj)
производственная и преддипломная практикаon-the-job training and internship (MichaelBurov)
производственная практикаon-the-job training (zhvir)
производственная практикаon-the-job internship (Johnny Bravo)
производственная практикаin-plant training (Johnny Bravo)
производственная практикаIndustry-focused Practical Training (ART Vancouver)
производственная практикаapprenticeship (главным образом для рабочих специальностей (apprentice – "ученик", "подмастерье") // Universities still use apprenticeship schemes in their production of scholars: bachelors are promoted to masters and then produce a thesis under the oversight of a supervisor before the corporate body of the university recognises the achievement of the standard of a doctorate. Another view of this system is of graduate students in the role of apprentices, post-doctoral fellows as journeymen, and professors as masters. // en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apprentice 4uzhoj)
производственная практикаexternship (WiseSnake)
производственная практикаon-the-job training (Training by working under supervision by an experienced worker. This is contrasted with training by formal courses of instruction, provided by the employer or an outside body. Many employers make use of both training methods. OE. Individual skill training in the crafts will involve a 4-stage program consisting of classroom, shop, on-the-job training (OJT), and certification. Klimzo - Alexander Demidov)
производственная практикаindustrial placement (Anglophile)
проходить производственную практикуundertake an internship (ART Vancouver)
руководство по надлежащей производственной практике для лекарственных препаратовguide to good manufacturing practice for medicinal products (emirates42)
свидетельство о соответствии предприятия-изготовителя требованиям надлежащей производственной практикиcertificate of GMP compliance of a manufacturer (GMP VictorMashkovtsev)
сертификат о соблюдении требований надлежащей производственной практикиGMP Certificate (bigmaxus)