
Terms for subject Oil and gas technology containing проектное | all forms | exact matches only
бурить до проектной глубиныdrill to completion
достигать проектной глубины буренияbottom out
отклонение от проектного параметраtolerance
проектная глубина буренияobjective depth
проектная заданная, конечная глубина скважиныtarget depth
проектная глубина скважиныtrue vertical depth
проектная сегментация давленияdesign pressure segmentation (MichaelBurov)
проектная экспертизаdesign review
проектное давлениеDP (MichaelBurov)
проектный забой скважиныhole target
проектный срок службыdesign life (The design life of a component or product is the period of time during which the item is expected by its designers to work within its specified parameters; in other words, the life expectancy of the item. It is the length of time between placement into service of a single item and that items on-set of wear-out. wiki; источник: словарь Извекова Alexander Demidov)
проектный срок службыdesign life (The design life of a component or product is the period of time during which the item is expected by its designers to work within its specified parameters; in other words, the life expectancy of the item. It is the length of time between placement into service of a single item and that items on-set of wear-out. wiki ; источник: словарь Извекова)
рабочая проектная документацияTPD – Technical Project Documentation (Katya Savitsky)
сводный отчёт проектной концепцииconceptual design summary report (Stefan S)
скважина, уплотняющая проектную сетку разработкиinfill well