
Terms for subject Microsoft containing проведя | all forms
Показ слайдов завершён. Чтобы выйти, проведите пальцем вперёд.End of slide show, swipe forward to exit. (PowerPoint 2013 Rori)
провести внизslide down (To place a finger on the screen, move the finger down, and then take the finger off of the screen to power off the phone)
провести двумя пальцамиslide two fingers (To slide two fingers on a touchpad or similar device at the same time and with a relatively short distance between each other)
провести пальцемslide (To place a finger on the screen, move the finger in one or more directions, and then take the finger off of the screen)
провести собраниеMeet Now (An application feature that one uses to join an unscheduled meeting. It is a virtual office to which a user can invite participants for an impromptu web conference)