
Terms for subject Travel containing проведя | all forms
максимально интересно провести времяmake the most of one's time (sankozh)
провести много часов заlose oneself for hours in (осмотром чего-либо sankozh)
провести незабываемые моментыembark on an unforgettable journey (sankozh)
провести несколько днейspend multiple days (Тур., Мор. в море, вдали от дома newruslan1)
провести пешеходную экскурсиюlead a walking tour (Guides are available to lead walking tours of the historic area. ART Vancouver)
провести экскурсию для кого-л.give sb. a tour ("I need to come see this very soon, and all of Portlands. I'm due to go North for a visit with Nick Schultz and we can stop by here." "I would love to give you the Portlands grand tour when you are up here. Let me know." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
чтобы провести время на природеfor a slice of nature (sankozh)