
Terms containing принцип " одна голосующая акция-один голос | all forms | in specified order only
gen.голосование по принципу "одна голосующая акция-один голос"on a poll (см. ст. 59 ФЗ "Об акционерных обществах": "Голосование на общем собрании акционеров осуществляется по принципу "одна голосующая акция общества – один голос" // спасибо V. и его "Скорой помощи" lingvoda.ru 4uzhoj)
corp.gov.голосовать по принципу "одна голосующая акция – один голос"vote by poll (In relation to a company, a method of voting whereby each member can vote for or against a resolution according to the number of shares which he has. Table A, article 54 states: "subject to any rights or restrictions attached to any shares ... on a poll every member shall have one vote for every share of which he is the holder." On a poll votes may be given either personally or by proxy: Table A article 59. A member may appoint more than one proxy to attend on the same occasion. 'More)
corp.gov.по принципу "одна голосующая акция – один голос"by poll (способ голосования – противопоставлен by show of hands: The first vote is usually taken on a show of hands where each shareholder is entitled to one vote. A poll can then be demanded and votes are counted on the basis that those present have one vote for each share they hold. 'More)
lawпринцип "одна голосующая акция-один голос"on one-share-one-vote basis (Alexander Matytsin)