
Terms containing примирение сторон | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
busin.дело о примирении сторонproceedings to be agreed between parties
lawпримирение сторонconciliation of parties
lawпримирение сторонconciliation of the parties (Alexander Demidov)
lawпримирение сторонreconciliation of the parties (more UK hits: achieving a reconciliation of the parties, the mediator should assemble a mediation panel... possibility of a reconciliation of the parties, and to take all such proper steps as in its or his opinion may assist in effecting a reconciliation... The emphasis is on attempting to secure a reconciliation of the parties through mediation or alternative dispute resolutions, rather than pursue the case in court. Alexander Demidov)
lawпримирение сторонsettlement between the parties (Alexander Demidov)
lawпримирение сторонsettlement between the litigants (Alexander Demidov)
lawпримирение сторонmediation by the parties (ст. 138 АПК РФ. Перевод предложен Рабочей группой по урегулированию споров: Working Group on Dispute Resolution, Moscow. Leonid Dzhepko)
gen.примирение сторонpeace making
sociol.примирение сторон в гражданских и уголовных делахconciliation in civil and criminal cases
lawпроцедура примирения сторонmediation (elenari)
Игорь Мигтормозить процесс установления мира и примирения сторонthwart peace and reconciliation