
Terms for subject Microsoft containing примечания | all forms
боковое примечаниеsidebar (A note alongside the main text that contains interesting or useful information)
Выберите ячейки, к которым следует добавить примечанияSelect the cell you want to annotate. (Office System 2010 Rori)
выбор примечанийSelect Annotations tool (An annotation tool used to select annotations on a slide so they can be moved, edited or deleted)
Выделение текста, связанного со знаком примечанияHighlights the text associated with an comment reference mark (Word 2007, Office System 2010 Rori)
Добавить примечание к этой версииAnnotate This Version (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
Добавить примечанияannotate (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
звуковое примечаниеvoice comment (A recording that is attached to your document)
знак примечанияcomment mark (A mark inserted in a document to show where a comment has been added)
консолидированные примечанияconsolidated comments (Office System 2010 Rori)
маркер примечанияcomment hint (ssn)
маркёр примечанияcomment hint (A visual indicator that denotes the presence of a comment and opens the comment when clicked)
область "Примечания"Comments pane (A pane beside the document that displays all comments made in the document)
примечание группыgroup footer (Use to place information, such as group name or group total, at the end of a group of records)
примечание к ячейкеCell Comment (Excel 2007 Rori)
примечание при возвратеcheck-in note (A comment associated with a changeset that is added during the check-in process by prompting the user for specific data)
Служит для создания примечаний в раскадровкахUseful for making notes on storyboards (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
средство добавления примечанийDraw Text tool (An annotation tool used to add notes or comments to a slide)
Страница корпоративного портала, использованная для добавления примечанияEnterprise portal page used for adding a note. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
удаление примечанийClear Annotations (A UI element that allows a presenter to remove all annotations in a presentation or on a specific slide)