
Terms containing примерно так | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
inf.да, примерно такthat's about the size of it (used to show your agreement with someone who has said something correct:"So you mean you won't come to the party with me?" "Yes, that's about the size of it." That is the way it is. (Often a response to someone who has acknowledged bad news.) Bob: We only have a few hundred dollars left in the bank. Sally: That means that there isn't enough money for us to go on vacation? Bob: That's about the size of it. Bob: I'm supposed to take this bill to the county clerk's office and pay them four hundred dollars? Sally: That's about the size of it. Bullfinch)
gen.он примерно так и сказалhe said as much
lit.Ответ правительства, напоминающий оправдания провинившегося мальчишки, был сформулирован примерно так: "Мы вообще-то не вмешивались в конфликт, но в любом случае мы имели на это полное право." Всё равно, как если бы шалун оправдывался: "Да нет, сэр, не трогал я вашего варенья, и потом, я думал — оно моё".The Government's reply, which actually sounded like Billy Bunter, went something like this: 'We weren't really intervening in the dispute, but in any case we were perfectly entitled to do so.' (Here is the Bunter translation: 'Er, sir, it wasn't me who pinched the jam, and anyway I thought the jam was mine.', Sunday Mirror, 1984)
gen.примерно такthat's about right (Interex)
gen.примерно такor so
gen.примерно такIt goes something like this (bookworm)
gen.примерно так жеabout as much (TranslationHelp)
gen.примерно так и должно бытьseems about right ("My wife and I rent a 3-bedroom apartment. We usually set the thermostat at 74F / 23C in winter. We got billed $264 for just November (November 1-30). Is this the normal range?" "Fairly large unit and pretty high thermostat setting. Seems about right." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
rhetor.это примерно так же, как говорят, чтоit's like when they say that (theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.я примерно так и думалI kind of thought so