
Terms for subject Audit containing признанное | all forms
займы признаютсяloans recognized (All loans are recognised when cash is advanced to the borrower.Все займы признаются по факту выдачи средств заемщику. Leana)
Нужно признатьit must be owned (Emmy, it must be owned, found herself entirely at a loss in the midst of their clavers, and suffered woefully on the one or two occasions on which she was compelled to accept Mrs. Frederick Bullock's hospitalities. Andromeda)
отчёт о совокупных признанных прибылях и убыткахstatement of total recognized gains and losses (monte_christo)
суммы, признанные в балансе и отчёте о прибылях и убыткахamounts recognised in the balance sheet and income statement