
Terms containing придумать название | all forms | in specified order only
Makarov.название тяжёлый металл впервые придумал Уильям Бэрроуз в Голом Завтракеthe designation heavy metal emerged, originating from William Burrough's Naked Lunch
gen.придумать другое названиеcoin a new name (более удачное: We need to coin a new name for women that cause problems. This is the 2nd post that I see referring to Karen as a bad person. My name is Karen and I am anything but a bad person! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
gen.придумать названиеcoin a name (In the second half, he described the tradition of dog-headed humans as ubiquitous throughout history, appearing in such diverse cultures as the Vikings, the ancient Greeks, and Native American tribes. The name "dogman," he said, was coined by researcher Linda Godfrey to "get people's minds away from the werewolf image." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
Игорь Мигпридумать новое названиеcoin a new phrase