
Terms for subject Diplomacy containing приведение | all forms | exact matches only
приведение в исполнениеexecution (судебного решения, приговора)
приведение в исполнение арбитражных решенийenforcement of arbitral awards
приведение в исполнение смертного приговораexecution of death sentence
приведение в соответствиеharmonization (The idea that the taxes and regulatory rules in countries belonging to economic blocs should not diverge too widely. If capital and labour were perfectly mobile between countries, it could be argued that the members of common markets would have to adopt identical tax and regulatory regimes. With no mobility, any set of different taxes and rules would be viable. With imperfect mobility, harmonization is needed: large divergences of tax or regulatory regimes would distort the location of economic activities, but minor discrepancies have little effect. OE. Closer harmonization of German foreign policy with America is not wanted, either. OUTLOOK INDIA (2005) The world is attempting to deal with these problems by co-operation and some harmonization. Redwood, John THE GLOBAL MARKETPLACE While Newton's science propagated through time and space, his harmonization of faith and scientific inquiry did not. GLOBE AND MAIL (2003). Collins Alexander Demidov)
приведение в соответствие спроса к предложенияadaptation of supply-to-demand
приведение спроса в соответствие с производствомadjustment of demand to product