
Terms for subject Microsoft containing прерывание | all forms | exact matches only
адаптивное прерываниеadaptive interrupt (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
время прерыванийinterrupt time (Windows ssn)
контроль прерыванийinterrupt moderation (Windows 10 ssn)
немаскируемое прерываниеNMI (A hardware interrupt that bypasses and takes priority over interrupt requests generated by software and by the keyboard and other such devices. A nonmaskable interrupt cannot be overruled (masked) by another service request and is issued to the microprocessor only in disastrous circumstances, such as severe memory errors or impending power failures)
немаскируемое прерываниеnonmaskable interrupt (A hardware interrupt that bypasses and takes priority over interrupt requests generated by software and by the keyboard and other such devices. A nonmaskable interrupt cannot be overruled (masked) by another service request and is issued to the microprocessor only in disastrous circumstances, such as severe memory errors or impending power failures)
обработчик исключений и прерыванийtrap handler (A body of code in the kernel to which the processor transfers control when an interrupt or exception occurs. The trap handler determines the type of condition that caused the interrupt or exception, and transfers control to an interrupt service routine (ISR) or exception handler)
обработчик прерываний драйвера клавиатурыkeyboard driver's interrupt handler (Alex_Odeychuk)
общее время прерыванийtotal interrupt time (Windows ssn)
поддержка прерываний PCIPCI interrupt support (Windows 10 ssn)
поддержка прерыванийinterrupt support (ssn)
подтверждение прерыванияinterrupt confirm (Windows Server ssn)
прерывание управления системойsystem management interrupt (An interrupt generated by the host-controller-emulation hardware when a universal serial bus (USB) keyboard or mouse data is received and steered by the host controller hardware to a System Management Interrupt (SMI) or the standard host controller interrupt)
прерывание управления системойSMI (An interrupt generated by the host-controller-emulation hardware when a universal serial bus (USB) keyboard or mouse data is received and steered by the host controller hardware to a System Management Interrupt (SMI) or the standard host controller interrupt)
программируемый контроллер прерыванийprogrammable interrupt controller
расширенный программируемый контроллер прерыванийadvanced programmable interrupt controller (A programmable interrupt controller (PIC) that provides multiprocessor interrupt management. An APIC incorporates both static and dynamic symmetric interrupt distribution across all processors. It usually has more available interrupt lines than a typical PIC)
регулируемая скорость прерыванийinterrupt throttle rate (Windows 8 Rori)
режим управления прерываниямиinterrupt steering mode (Windows 10 Creators Update ssn)
скорость управления прерываниямиinterrupt moderation rate (Windows 10 ssn)
согласование прерыванийinterrupt mitigation (Windows 10 ssn)
сопоставления прерываний устройствdevice interrupt mappings (Windows 10 Creators Update ssn)
управление прерываниямиinterrupt moderation (Windows 10 ssn)
частота управления прерываниямиinterrupt moderation rate (Windows 10 ssn)