
Terms for subject General containing представлять интерес | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
адвокат представляет интересы своих клиентовa solicitor acts for his clients
для меня это не представляет интересаit's of no interest to me
доверенность на право представлять интересы больногоhealth care power of attorney (пациента) 4uzhoj)
не представлять интерес дляbe off the radar of
представляет интересit is of interest
представляет интерес рассмотреть возможность приведенной функции потенциальной энергии двухатомных молекулit is of interest to consider the possibility of a reduced potential energy function of diatomic molecules
представлять интересbe of interest (для, to)
представлять интересappeal
представлять интересnot to be irrelevant
представлять интересbe advantageous (This method may be advantageous where it is desired to have a materially increased section of metal. I. Havkin)
представлять интересbe not without interest (Представляют интерес = Not without interest are. Not without interest are the facts that his first wife was fifteen years older then he, his second wife fifteen years younger, and the latter survived him by fifteen ... | Also not without interest are his references to the descendants of the Portuguese soldiers, who had come with Christovao da Gama, and had remained in the ... Alexander Demidov)
представлять интересintrigue
представлять интересpromise (MichaelBurov)
представлять интересыact for (act for somebody | act on behalf of somebody: to be employed to deal with somebody’s affairs for them, for example by representing them in court. OALD Alexander Demidov)
представлять интересыpromote interests (yo)
представлять интересы вrepresent before (The solicitor will then give advice to the respondent and represent him before the court. | The Commissioner may authorise a person to represent him before the Tribunal in relation to–. (a)specified proceedings; or. (b)all or specified categories of ... | ... and accommodation when they leave prison or secure centres and homes, advise children on criminal appeals and represent them before the Parole Board. Alexander Demidov)
представлять интересы лица / компанииrep
представляя интересыon behalf of (какой-л. стороны)
эта книга представляет интересthis book is of interest
эта статья не представляет интереса для наших читателей, давайте не будем её печататьthis article won't be of interest to our readers, let's drop it
это представляет интересthis is of interest (Olga Fomicheva)