
Terms for subject Microsoft containing права | all forms | exact matches only
администрирование по принципу предоставления минимальных правleast privilege administration
аналитик с правами только для чтенияRead-only Analyst (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can view all objects in Configuration Manager)
выровненный по правому краюright-aligned (Pertaining to text that is aligned along the right margin)
двухпальцевый правый щелчокtwo-finger right-click (A multi-touch gesture that consists of either a left-down movement, or right-down, right-up or left-down, right-down, left-up, right-up (roll))
делегирование прав администратораadministrator role separation (The ability to delegate local administrative permissions for a read-only domain controller (RODC) to any domain user without granting that user any user rights for the domain or other domain controllers)
запрос на повышение правOTS (A version of elevation prompt that allows an administrator to enter administrative credentials to allow a process to run with the full access token of the administrator during the standard user session)
запрос на повышение правOver The Shoulder (A version of elevation prompt that allows an administrator to enter administrative credentials to allow a process to run with the full access token of the administrator during the standard user session)
запрос на повышение правelevation prompt (A dialog box that appears when a user is requested to confirm whether an administrative process should be permitted to start. An elevation prompt will either be displayed as a consent prompt or a credential prompt, depending upon Group Policy settings and user account type)
запустить с повышенными правамиRun Elevated (Option on a right-click menu of a program icon that, when selected, allows the program to run with full administrator privileges)
защищённое хранилище службы управления правамиRM Lockbox (The software module responsible for authenticating the valid use of protected content and protecting trusted software processing from modification and observation)
компонент управления цифровыми правамиDRM component (The component of a player that handles all functions of digital rights management, such as decrypting packaged files or initiating license acquisition)
компонент управления цифровыми правамиdigital rights management component (The component of a player that handles all functions of digital rights management, such as decrypting packaged files or initiating license acquisition)
материалы, нарушающие права личности на самоопределениеintegrity and authenticity (lavazza)
Нарушение прав доступаaccess violation (An attempt to run a memory operation that the underlying page protection does not allow. An access violation applies to memory operations, but does not apply when the security manager checks user-mode access rights to objects)
несанкционированное получение правelevation of privilege
повышение прав зоныzone elevation (A situation that occurs when a Web page loaded in one URL security zone loads a page from a less restrictive zone in a frame or a new window. For example, if a page from the Internet zone loads a page from the Local Machine zone, a zone elevation has occurred)
права администратораadministrative privilege (The privilege of an administrator of a computer system to control which users have the right to perform various administrative functions)
Права веб-разработчикаWeb Design Rights (harser)
права входаlogon rights (User rights that are assigned to a user and that specify the ways in which a user can log on to a system)
права доступаaccess permissions (Authorization to perform operations associated with a specific shared resource, such as a file, directory, or printer. Permissions must be granted by the system administrator to individual user accounts or administrative groups)
права доступа для приложенийapplication-specific access permissions (microsoft.com bojana)
права на использование любой версииfloating version rights (The categories of software licenses that are available for purchase from Microsoft and that grant the purchaser the right to use the latest version of a software title as it becomes available, throughout the term of the customer's volume license agreement)
права на использование мультимедиаmedia usage rights (Permissions to use a protected Windows Media-based file in a particular way. For example, a content provider, such as an online music store, can grant you the right to play a song on your computer (a play right), to burn the song to an audio CD (a burn right), or to sync the song to a portable device (a sync right). The content provider dictates the terms of the rights (for example, which rights it grants to you and for how long) and Windows Media Digital Rights Management(DRM) enforces those rights)
права на использование ПО на домашних компьютерахHome Use Rights (A Microsoft software licensing option for employers that enables employees to obtain and use a copy of Microsoft Office applications at home)
права на использование предыдущих редакций версий программного обеспеченияdowngrade rights (уже имеющихся в распоряжении пользователя на законных основаниях Vadim Rouminsky)
права пользователяuser rights (Tasks that a user is permitted to perform on a computer system or domain)
права пользователяrights (Tasks that a user is permitted to perform on a computer system or domain)
право на изменениеedit permission (Office System 2010 Rori)
право на удалениеdelete permission (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
право "'Управление списками'"Manage Lists right (A right that allows a user to add, modify, and remove lists, document libraries, discussion boards, and surveys)
правое внешнее соединениеright outer join (An outer join in which all the records from the right side of the RIGHT JOIN operation in the query's SQL statement are added to the query's results, even if there are no matching values in the joined field from the table on the left)
Проверка прав использования мультимедиаReviewing media usage rights (Windows 8 Rori)
режим с повышенными правамиelevated mode (microsoft.com bojana)
роль автора с дополнительными правамиAdvanced Author role (A collection of rights that allows the user to view, add, and change pages, documents in libraries, discussion boards, themes, and borders, as well as manage tasks and recalculate links. A default role)
роль "Администраторы Exchange с правами на просмотр"Exchange View-Only Administrators role (One of four Exchange 2007 administrator roles. Members of this role have read-only access to the entire Exchange organization tree in the Active Directory configuration container, and read-only access to all Windows domain containers that have Exchange recipients)
Internet Explorer с ограниченными правамиLow-rights IE (A mechanism for running Internet Explorer processes in a restricted security context to protect the system against malware and viruses that depend on IE running in elevated privilege on a users machine)
сертификат учётной записи управления правамиRAC (rights account certificate microsoft.com bojana)
сертификат учётной записи управления правамиrights account certificate (RAC microsoft.com bojana)
символ авторского праваcopyright symbol (The © character. Normally included at the beginning of a copyright notice)
служба управления правами Active DirectoryAD RMS (A Microsoft technology designed to help enterprise customers control and protect critical digital information by offering easy-to-use, flexible, and persistent policy expression and enforcement)
служба управления правами Active DirectoryActive Directory Rights Management Services (A Microsoft technology designed to help enterprise customers control and protect critical digital information by offering easy-to-use, flexible, and persistent policy expression and enforcement)
службы управления правамиRights Management Services (stachel)
службы управления правами на доступ к даннымInformation Rights Management Services (An information protection technology that works with RMS-enabled applications to help safeguard digital information from unauthorized use)
управление информационными правамиInformation Right Management (аналог более известного Digital Right Management (DRM) от Microsoft zock)
управление организацией с правами только на просмотрView-Only Organization Management (The administrator role group that gives users permissions to view, but not modify, all mailboxes, public groups, and external contacts in the organization. Members can also view settings for role assignment policies, transport rules, and supervision policies)
управление правами на доступ к даннымInformation Rights Management
управление цифровыми правами Windows MediaWindows Media Digital Rights Management (Windows Media digital rights management platform and associated technologies)
управление цифровыми правами Windows MediaWindows Media DRM (Windows Media digital rights management platform and associated technologies)
управление цифровыми правамиdigital rights management (Any technology used to protect the interests of owners of digital content and services (such as copyright owners). Typically, authorized recipients or users must acquire a license in order to use the content)
управляемый правамиrights-managed (Stored on a server or client computer that is configured to control access to content by using information rights management (IRM) technology)
учётная запись пользователя с ограниченными правамиlimited user account (A type of user account that prohibits users from changing most computer settings and deleting important files. While such a user can access applications, they generally cannot install software or hardware, among other things. Rori)
учётная запись с ограниченными правамиlimited account (A type of account that allows customers to use a limited set of Windows Live services without signing up for a new e-mail address or providing an existing alternate one. The ID that is created can't be used to send or receive e-mail. A customer with this account type can only reset their password if they subsequently add an alternate e-mail address to their account. Rori)
чтобы быстро пометить задачу как завершённую, щёлкните её правой кнопкой мыши и выберите в меню команду "Пометить как завершённую"to quickly mark a task complete, right-click the task, and then click Mark Complete on the shortcut menu. (Outlook 2007)
Щёлкните правой кнопкой мыши для работы с группойRight-click to interact with this group (Windows Live Messenger Wave 5 Rori)
щёлкнуть правой кнопкой мышиright-click (To position the mouse over an object, and then press and release the secondary (right) mouse button. Right-clicking opens a shortcut menu that contains useful commands, which change depending on where you click)
эквивалент правого щелчкаright-click equivalent