
Terms for subject Microsoft containing правая | all forms
выровненный по правому краюright-aligned (Pertaining to text that is aligned along the right margin)
двухпальцевый правый щелчокtwo-finger right-click (A multi-touch gesture that consists of either a left-down movement, or right-down, right-up or left-down, right-down, left-up, right-up (roll))
права входаlogon rights (User rights that are assigned to a user and that specify the ways in which a user can log on to a system)
права пользователяrights (Tasks that a user is permitted to perform on a computer system or domain)
правое внешнее соединениеright outer join (An outer join in which all the records from the right side of the RIGHT JOIN operation in the query's SQL statement are added to the query's results, even if there are no matching values in the joined field from the table on the left)
чтобы быстро пометить задачу как завершённую, щёлкните её правой кнопкой мыши и выберите в меню команду "Пометить как завершённую"to quickly mark a task complete, right-click the task, and then click Mark Complete on the shortcut menu. (Outlook 2007)
Щёлкните правой кнопкой мыши для работы с группойRight-click to interact with this group (Windows Live Messenger Wave 5 Rori)
щёлкнуть правой кнопкой мышиright-click (To position the mouse over an object, and then press and release the secondary (right) mouse button. Right-clicking opens a shortcut menu that contains useful commands, which change depending on where you click)
эквивалент правого щелчкаright-click equivalent