
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing постороннее | all forms
без посторонней помощиsingle-handed
выживать без посторонней помощиmake it on one's own ("Survival would depend, in part, on how quickly they could transform their business models. That's something B.C. seemed well poised to do, with its big proportion of entrepreneurs used to making it on their own." (BC Business Magazine) ART Vancouver)
посторонним вход запрещёнout of bounds (Bobrovska)
спрятать от посторонних глазdraw a discrete veil (over/across something: It's at times like these that I'm glad Dad didn't take out our road-side hedges. As is often the case, a good bit of thick bush is an effective way of drawing a discrete veil over too much detail. 4uzhoj)
укрытый от постороннего взглядаsheltered from prying eyes (sankozh)