
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing поставить в положение | all forms
поставить в безвыходное положениеsqueeze someone against the wall (Andrey Truhachev)
поставить в безвыходное положениеcorner
поставить кого-либо в безвыходное положениеhave someone coming and going (joyand)
поставить кого-либо в безвыходное положениеhold a pistol to head (If someone holds a gun to your head or puts a gun to your head, they force you to do something by threatening very bad consequences if you do not do it.: If someone holds a gun to your head or puts a gun to your head, they force you to do something by threatening very bad consequences if you do not do it. thefreedictionary.com)
поставить в глупое, смешное положениеleave holding the bag ("Take your hand off me!" "Sure, just relax," Wade said. "I have a good idea, Doctor. Why don't you see a good doctor?" Somebody laughed loudly. Loring tensed like an animal all set to spring. Wade sensed it and neatly turned his back and moved away. Which left Dr. Loring holding the bag. If he went after Wade, he would look sillier than he looked now. There was nothing for him to do but leave, and he did it. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
поставить в неловкое положениеscore points off (someone SirReal)
поставить в неловкое положениеland someone in the doghouse (Firiel)
поставить кого-либо в неловкое положениеdo a number on someone (She really did a number on her old boyfriend, making him beg her to come back and then turning him down. Val_Ships)
поставить в тяжёлое положениеput somebody the in cart (Lena Fontaine and Huckaby had put them in the cart. – Лена Фонтен и Хакеби поставили их в тяжёлое положение./ В. Локк "Клементина Уинг" Bobrovska)
поставить кого-либо в уязвимое положениеput someone over a barrel (joyand)