
Terms for subject Microsoft containing последовательная | all forms | exact matches only
Драйвер последовательного микропорта SSTSST Multiport Serial Driver (Andy)
индексированный последовательный метод доступаindexed sequential access method
индексно-последовательный метод доступаindexed sequential access method (A technique for indexing database records that allows sequential or random access of records. When records are accessed sequentially they are accessed in the order in which they were entered in the database, and when records are accessed randomly, the records are accessed through an index)
курсор последовательного доступаforward-only cursor (A cursor that cannot be scrolled; rows can be read only in sequence from the first row to the last row)
Многопортовый последовательный адаптер PCIPCI Multiport Serial Controller (Andy)
Многопортовый последовательный адаптерMulti-port serial adapter (Andy)
Многопортовый последовательный портMultiport Communications Port (Andy)
неисправность последовательного интерфейсаserial interface problem (Dynamics NAV 5.0 SP1 ssn)
номер последовательного обновленияUSN In Active Directory replication, a 64-bit counter that is maintained by each Active Directory domain controller. At the start of each update transaction (originating or replicated) on a domain controller, the domain controller increments its current USN and associates this new value with the update request (USN)
номер последовательного обновленияupdate sequence number (USN)
последовательная разработкаiterative development (The development of a solution by building, testing, and deploying a core set of basic features first, then adding features in successive versions)
последовательное обновлениеrolling upgrade (In a cluster, the process of systematically upgrading cluster nodes one node at a time while the other nodes continue to provide service)
последовательный поискincremental search (A type of search that looks for a string in an automatic and progressive way. As the user types a string, possible matches are found, thus enabling the user to stop typing the complete string as soon as the right match is found)
последовательный портserial port (A serial communications port used to connect a device, such as a modem, printer, or mobile device, to a computer)
последовательный портCOM port (A serial communications port used to connect a device, such as a modem, printer, or mobile device, to a computer)
последовательный портcommunications port