
Terms for subject Proverb containing посланный Богом | all forms | in specified order only
пошли бог лжецу хорошую памятьliars need good memories (дословно: Лжецам нужна хорошая память (чтобы себя не выдать))
пошли дурака богу молиться, он и лоб разобьётteach a fool to bow with grace and he would fall flat on his face
пошли дурака богу молиться, он и лоб разобьётgentry sent to market will not buy one bushel of corn
пошли дурака богу молиться, он и лоб разобьётsend a fool to the market and a fool he will return again (used of a person who is inclined to overdo what he has been asked to do. the saying is about those who, if they are compelled to pray, do it with such a zeal that they bang their foreheads against the ground)
пошли дурака богу молиться, он и лоб расшибетteach a fool to bow with grace and he would fall flat on his face
пошли дурака богу молиться, он и лоб расшибетsend a fool far and a fool he will return again (used of a person who is inclined to overdo what he has been asked to do. the saying is about those who, if they are compelled to pray, do it with such a zeal that they bang their foreheads against the ground)
пошли дурака богу молиться, он и лоб расшибетgentry sent to market will not buy one bushel of corn
пошли дурака богу молиться, он и лоб расшибетsend a fool to France and a fool he will return again (used of a person who is inclined to overdo what he has been asked to do. the saying is about those who, if they are compelled to pray, do it with such a zeal that they bang their foreheads against the ground)
пошли дурака богу молиться, он и лоб расшибетsend a fool to the market and a fool he will return again (used of a person who is inclined to overdo what he has been asked to do. the saying is about those who, if they are compelled to pray, do it with such a zeal that they bang their foreheads against the ground)