
Terms for subject University containing получим | all forms
Будучи зачисленным полевым подпоручиком-инженером в Петербургскую инженерную команду, получил на военной службе чин поручикаhe studied at the Military Engineering College in St. Petersburg, graduating with officer's rank (Ольга Матвеева)
получить высшую оценкуace (на экзамене)
получить ученую степеньget a degree (e.g.получить степень бакалавра-to receive(get)a bachelor's degree: There can be no discrimination in the status of those who received a bachelor's degree to those who have studied the so-called program... Andrey Truhachev)
получить степень бакалавраreceive a bachelor's degree (There can be no discrimination in the status of those who received a bachelor's degree to those who have studied the so-called program... Andrey Truhachev)
получить учёную степень доктора наукearn a doctorate (in -- в области: Michelle earned a doctorate in anthropology from the University of North Carolina and also holds bachelor's and master's degrees in classical archaeology. ART Vancouver)