
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing полномочия | all forms | exact matches only
досрочное прекращение полномочийremoval (the process of forcing someone to leave their job or position:: "A special meeting was called to discuss the removal of the chairman. "She faced removal from office almost two years into her four-year term. CBED. Once the Board of Directors recommends the removal of the Board of Directors, a special General Assembly Meeting should be called. • "A special meeting was called to discuss the removal of the chairman. "She faced removal from office almost two years into her four-year term. CBED. • Once the Board of Directors recommends the removal of the Board of Directors, a special General Assembly Meeting should be called. Alexander Demidov)
заёмные полномочияborrowing powers (igisheva)
ограничение срока полномочийlimitation on the term of office
переданные полномочияtransferred competence
полномочия директораdirectorship (igisheva)
полномочия заместителя директораalternate directorship (igisheva)
полномочия производить платежиpayments authorization
прекращение полномочийremoval (~ (of sb) the act of dismissing sb from their job Syn: dismissal: There have been calls for the president's removal. CALD. • Parliament had decided that his removal from power was illegal. CCB. • events leading to the removal of the president from office. OALD. • The scandal resulted in the director's removal. [=dismissal]. MWALD. • 10. Powers and Duties of the Board of Directors. 12. Composition, Appointment and Removal of the Board of Directors. Alexander Demidov)
продолжительность срока полномочийduration of term of office
срок полномочий члена Совета директоровduration of Directorship (Alexander Demidov)
циркуляр о делегировании полномочийdelegation of authority circular