
Terms for subject Formal containing полное | all forms | exact matches only
в полной мере присущий лишьwholly unique to (The humble bumblebee is proof that brain size isn't everything. This little insect with its wee, seed-sized brain has shown a level of collective intelligence in experiments that scientists thought was wholly unique to humans. (sciencealert.com) ART Vancouver)
в полной мере свойственный лишьwholly unique to (The humble bumblebee is proof that brain size isn't everything. This little insect with its wee, seed-sized brain has shown a level of collective intelligence in experiments that scientists thought was wholly unique to humans. (sciencealert.com) ART Vancouver)
в полном объёмеto the full extent (... use that information to the full extent permitted by law ART Vancouver)
в полном составеen bloc (all together in a united group: The ruling committee resigned en bloc to make way for a new election Taras)
для полного понимания целесообразно предоставить более широкий контекстit would benefit from more context to fully understand (It would benefit from more context to fully understand what the code is doing. — Для полного понимания функционирования кода целесообразно предоставить более широкий контекст. Alex_Odeychuk)
иметь полный контрольhave all the control (theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
использовать в полном объёмеmake full use of (ART Vancouver)
как можно полнееin the fullest possible manner (The duty officer must report facts in the fullest possible manner. ART Vancouver)
несущий ответственность в полном объёмеfully liable (example by ART Vancouver: "Minors are normally fully liable for their torts, but they may escape liability in some instances." – несут ответственность в полном объеме – S. B. Marsh, ‎J. Soulsby "Business Law" p. 74" ART Vancouver)
обладать полным контролемhave all the control (theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
полная биографияexhaustive personal history (defense.gov Alex_Odeychuk)
полная открытость информацииfull disclosure (igisheva)
полное изложениеcomplete statement (archos.com owant)
полный пакет документовa full package of documents (англ. термин взят из кн.: Jorgensen P.C. Software Testing: A Craftsman's Approach. – 4th edition. – Auerbach Publications, 2013 Alex_Odeychuk)