
Terms for subject Microsoft containing полнее | all forms
быстрая полная архивацияexpress full backup (A synchronization operation in which the protection agent transfers a snapshot of all blocks that have changed since the previous express full backup (or initial replica creation, for the first express full backup))
восстановление окна с полного экранаRestore Down (Andy)
если у вас есть полная уверенность в том, чтоif you are absolutely sure that (Alex_Odeychuk)
маркер полного доступаfull privilege access token (An access token with the maximum privileges authorized for the account. Used by User Account Control (UAC). Rori)
маркер полного доступаfull access token (An access token with the maximum privileges authorized for the account. Used by User Account Control (UAC). Rori)
модель полного восстановленияfull recovery model (A database recovery mode that fully logs all transactions and retains all the log records until after they are backed up. The database can be recovered to the point of failure if the tail of the log is backed up after the failure. All forms of recovery are supported)
не удаётся найти идентификатор службы пула регистратора для полного доменного имениcan not find a Registrar Pool Service Id for FQDN (Lync Server 2013 Rori)
отметка полного удаленияtombstone (A marker that is used to represent and track a deleted item and prevent its accidental reintroduction into the synchronization community)
Полная безопасность пересылкиPerfect Forward Secrecy (Andy)
полная версияfull version (The default version that includes drag-and-drop functionality, right-click menus, and a reading pane)
полная громкостьmain volume (Andy)
полная датаlong date (The standard long formats to display a date)
полная замена файлаfull file replacement
полная интеграция разработки на стороне клиента и сервераseamless integration of client and server-side development (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
полная передача зоныfull zone transfer (The standard query type supported by all DNS servers to update and synchronize zone data when the zone has been changed. When a DNS query is made using AXFR as the specified query type, the entire zone is transferred as the response)
Полная поддержка сенсорного ввода WindowsFull Windows Touch Support (Windows 8 ssn)
полная резервная копияfull backup (A backup of an entire database)
полная суммаextended amount (The figure calculated by multiplying the quantity of a service or product by the amount of the item)
полная установкаfull installation (A type of update installation in which all the files needed to complete the installation are in a single package)
полное ведение журналаfull logging (A type of logging available to capture information about mailbox searches that includes information about all results that meet the search criteria)
полное внешнее соединениеfull outer join (A type of outer join in which all rows in all joined tables are included, whether they are matched or not. For example, a full outer join between titles and publishers shows all titles and all publishers, even those that have no match)
полное восстановление базы данныхcomplete database restore (A restore of a full database backup, the most recent differential database backup (if any), and the log backups (if any) taken since the full database backup)
полное делегированиеfull delegation (A delegation in which a layout behavior requests complete control over the visual layout of elements)
полное довериеfull trust (A code access security (CAS) state assigned to managed assemblies. The level of trust granted to an application or Web service affects its ability to use system resources while executing. Assemblies that have full trust can access any resource that is subject to operating system security, and all privileged operations are supported)
полное доменное имяfully qualified domain name (A DNS name that has been stated to indicate its absolute location in the domain namespace tree. In contrast to relative names, an FQDN has a trailing period to qualify its position to the root of the namespace (host.example.contoso.com))
полное доменное имяFQDN (A DNS name that has been stated to indicate its absolute location in the domain namespace tree. In contrast to relative names, an FQDN has a trailing period to qualify its position to the root of the namespace (host.example.contoso.com))
Полное доменное имя в интернетеInternet FQDN (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1)
Полное доменное имя в интрасетиIntranet FQDN (FQDN – fully qualified domain name microsoft.com bojana)
полное имяfull name (A user's complete name, usually consisting of the last name, first name, and middle initial. The full name is information that Local Users and Groups or Active Directory Users and Computers can maintain as part of the information identifying and defining a user account)
Полное имя для псевдонима типа данных в определении типаthe full alias type name of the typedef. (Visual Studio 2013)
полное имя компьютераfull computer name (A fully qualified domain name (FQDN). The full computer name is a concatenation of the computer name (for example, client1) and the primary DNS suffix of the computer (for example, reskit.com))
полное разностное резервное копированиеfull differential backup (A backup of all files in the database, containing only changes made to the database since the most recent full backup. A full differential backup requires a full backup as a base)
полный администраторFull Administrator (A security role that grants all permissions in Configuration Manager to an administrative user)
Полный архив системыFull System Backup (Andy)
полный доступfull control (уровень разрешений microsoft.com bojana)
полный дуплексfull duplex (A system capable of simultaneously transmitting information in both directions over a communications channel)
полный импортfull import (An import of all data from a file, or a scoped view, of a connected data source to the connector space. Data from the connected data source is compared with data in the connector space. If there are no attribute changes, the object is not changed in the connector space)
полный интерфейс пользователяfull user interface (Windows 8 ssn)
полный кадрkey frame
полный ключ шифрования томаfull volume encryption key (The algorithm-specific key that is used to encrypt (and optionally, diffuse) data on disk sectors. Currently, this key can be either 128 bits or 256 bits advanced encryption standard (AES). The default encryption algorithm that BitLocker Drive Encryption uses is AES 128 bit with diffuser)
полный маршрутизаторFull Router (Windows 7 Rori)
полный обход контентаfull crawl (A crawl that scans a content source in its entirety and refreshes the index to reflect new, changed or deleted content, as well as existing, unchanged content)
полный объём виртуальной памятиtotal virtual memory (Andy)
полный общий объём физической памятиtotal physical memory (Andy)
полный путьfully qualified path (A path to a file that begins with the drive identifier and root directory or with a network share and ends with the complete file name (for example, C:\docs\work\contract.txt or \\netshare\docs\work\contract.txt))
полный путьfull path (In a hierarchical filing system, a path name containing all the possible components of a pathname, including the network share or drive and root directory, as well as any subdirectories and the file or object name)
полный путьfully-qualified path
полный режимfull mode (The default operational state of Windows Media Player in which all of its features are displayed. The Player can also appear in skin mode)
полный серверfull server (A single physical or virtual server that contains all the server roles)
полный указатель PIDLfull PIDL (A PIDL that uniquely describes an object relative to the desktop folder)
полный цифровой двойникcomplete digital twin (cnbc.com Alex_Odeychuk)
разрешение на полный доступfull control permissions (microsoft.com bojana)
режим полного применения политикfull enforcement mode (The enforcement mode in which client computers immediately have their network access restricted if they are not in compliance with network health requirements)
Режим полной функциональностиFull functionality mode (Andy)
язык с полной локализациейfully localized language (A language in which 100 percent of Windows resources have been translated. Fully localized languages are always included in full language packs. Rori)